Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

did u mean that they are capable to equip ECM pods?, there is a difference between them being capable and them being already in the game

I guess I worded that poorly. I was saying that there are plenty of aircraft that could get them if they decide to implement ecm, hence my original question.

would be intresting, tornados and british harriers propably would benefit the most of them, that being said i highly doubt currently gajin will add anything where russia or us isnt the main benefitter

It 's been possible for awhile, but there 's nothing atm pointing towards ECM coming at a specific time - just that it probably will.

Like the unused ECM pod on the JA-37D, or the SPS-141M loadout on the J-7D.

Yeah it was absolutely busted at 5.3 and 5.7. However it’s at a great spot at 6.3 and certainly not equal to the Tiger II(H).

Maybe with Fox 3

Anything else to add? There is a German saying “the kicked dog barks”. This means a quick answer is an indication of awareness of one’s own mistake. But what’s the point, it’s a pretty nice decal, thank you for that. But that doesn’t change the known facts regarding how to deal with Germany in the game

SEP 2, T-90M, Stryker APC, more BTRs…

Jes what this deal with Germany better stuff coming from lately ?

Germany gets vehicles with almost every update. My impression is that these are usually not the vehicles you want or expect. My impression is that the German tree after the Second World War is a collection of prototypes that are interesting to look at. Vehicles actually used, such as the M47, are then premium.
And the last straw that broke the camel’s back was the Leo2PSO. A lot of people are really angry now.

I said “A lot of people are really angry now”.
I think they actually feel personally hurt!

Me waiting for the wolf decals I missed back when I wasn’t aware of them.

us and ru are superpowers ofc theyd be well documented

IIcr when the PSO was in the dev server people went mad over it now they hate it ?

Seems odd to me

obviously everyone has their own personal impressions.
And yes, it is legitimate to ask whether the vehicle actually lives up to expectations

France happens to be one the the largest domestic producers of military equipment in the world as well.

But that doesn’t matter for information. But the forums are fillled with technical information and suggestions. The community, especially for minor nations, does a lot of work fixing gaijins erroneous sources.

It’s also all about money anyway. They focus on what makes them the most cash. Japan SPAA doesn’t do that so why devote many of their resources to it.

Which in turn makes less people want to play minor nations so they shoot themselves in the foot and piss off people who aren’t US/Russian mains

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they hated it on the Devserver already

First people went mad over it, but then they got their hands on it and realised what they are dealing with. Typical overhype.

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I hope for bug fixes in the upcoming major update with the aim of depicting the capabilities of the vehicles more realistically, which explicitly refers to German high tear vehicles. I believe that the vehicles need a significant overhaul in terms of their capabilities. The cometative vehicles actually used are missing in VII.
It is also necessary to close the gaps at ranks IV and V with realistic post-war vehicles.

The majority of people that have to face the F-5C find it to be at the very least very good.

I play both against and as it. And i find it to be one of the most handheld planes in the game. The number of mistakes you can make and come out victorious is hilarious.