Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


HMD any good in WT? I’ve never used it, No British jet has it currently (though maybe if we ever get Harrier Gr9A or Jaguar Gr3A)

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It’s good to have, however outside of the MiG-29SMT with R-73’s, its usefulness is limited.

Im looking forward to Off-boresight shots with the Sea Harrier FA2 (via radar), but yeah, im guessing you need those later missiles for it to be truly effective

Very useful in times. Especially radar slaving

Tornado F.3 should technically get it aswell since irl you could maneuver missile’s seeker from the cockpit

Having anything less than 40g of pull on the missile means that you can’t truly do off boresight shots, and currently the MiG-29SMT is the only plane with both HMD and 40g missiles.

Yeah, but I dont believe is modelled at all currentl, They should also technically have twice the range, again, not modelled. Its a shame.

still gunna be handy to have in a dogfight in the FA2. Should make up for the lower performance of the airframe in a turn fight compared to the Gr7.

But thank you both. Does make me excited for ASRAAM. If we ever see them (I can see that gen of missiles/aircraft being ommitted)

That’s true, yeah.

It does not make sense when they could have used any other missile for cinematics. But instead went out of their way to throw on some R27s.

They know what they are doing. We have not seen the last of the 21. It’s to generate excitements and discussion later model mig or not. They actual model is coming.

Yeah, its hyper useful. I been flying F16s and the second I jump in the Gr7 or the Italian you feel the disadvantage like night and day having to swing around and point a nose at targets.

I use the ACM in the italian harrier to offset the disadvantage but of course we do not have that in the GR7.

Fingers crossed the Brits will finally have their day in the sun next patch!

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Yeah, I’d even settle for British sun (mostly cloudy, a little drizzly, but 10 minutes of sun light in the afternoon). Doesnt need to be much, just something at the same BR as everyone else

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AIM-120B has a range of ~80km, AIM-7M has a range ~70km.
9Ps aren’t downgraded at all. Same chassis, same seeker.

F-16C Block 50s started with AIM-120Bs in service, not Cs. And were still compatible with AIM-120As.

Shame it will be dead in the water, snce most nations will receive superior Amramm carriers

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Hopefully they’ll add AMRAAM’s to inferior platforms first, however knowing Gaijin, they’ll give R-77’s to an Su-27, and AIM-120A’s to an F-15 and act like everything is completely balanced.

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Denied future export models? Like what for example? Where did they state that? You mean like thr K51 panther?

You know something that has always bugged me is why they never added AIM-9P4/5 to anything. Infact I find it even it even more strange that they skipped straight over them entirely for AIM-9L.

And tbh there are quite a few aircraft that could have benefited from having them even if some didn’t necessarily carry them per say.

F-4E/EJ,F-104S and Viggen come to mind in this instance as they are all 11.0 and at current are the only 11.0s without all aspects. So while since they can’t really receive AIM-9L since that would inevitably up tier them I do think giving them something like AIM-9P4/5 wouldn’t be to horrible of an idea as it would give them an all aspect capability without it being to much of an upgrade to justify a bump in BR.


It 's ready !

@gszabi99_HUN thank you so much !


What do you guys think will be in the October update.

I am going to keep it 100 with you. Because GJ does not really care to model western missiles. Their excuse is “the differences is too minute.”

So… it should be really easy then right? The aim9P is different from the J and has a longer lock range and other reliability upgrades. Not to mention all t the other Papa variants.

What about the Aim7M? They are literally trying to run this pathetic argument right now “If we model the M, it will actually nerf the missile.” All they have to do is allow better low altitude performance over the F… Additionally, the M had an autopilot computer that allowed the missile to lose illumination of the target and still fly in general direction until signal is reestablished. But no, it’s just too hard for GJ to do it.

Also, the Aim54 is nerfed, and the C is nothing but a copy pastes but heavier. These are the two most advanced missiles in game. The C has digital pulse doppler radar and the best strapdown inertial guidance. The R27 does not have inertial guidance nowhere near advanced but can literally bring the R27 within feet of a target while the aim54C which can irl shoot down cruise missiles at low altitude but in game cannot figure out what’s the right amount of lead to hit the most basic high-flying targets.

Not to mention how gimped the F14 radar is as well as other western radars which were always mor advanced that Soviets. Thats a whole other story.

I am a Soviet fanboy, but I must keep it real. Western avionics and missiles are held back like no other. Devs just cannot comprehend that the west was just way ahead of us, so they leave weapon systems unfinished, copy paste or nerfed.

Or what about the Red Tops?? Unfinished, GJ does not care. They spent like 8 months probably more handcrafting our precious R73 btw. planning exactly how they are going to release it in an event first all that. They probably had multiple meetings about it lol. heres the thing he worked on