They confirmed that it would come on the Barak II (though then again, they said that the R-73 would come to the first MiG-29’s and look where we are).
They said P5 is a possible but only P4 is confirmed to come for Barak II in the future iirc.
Yes, that is what I said.
You said that P5 is confirmed to come on the Barak II. I’m saying that it isn’t and only P4 was confirmed to come for it.
I said that the Python 4 is confirmed.
EDIT: I realised that I misread what you said. My apologies.
As a response to my message about Python 5?
I misread 5 as 4 since that is what most people were talking about.
That’s what I thought. No worries.
And yeah P4 is very very much wanted for the Barak II. I don’t care about AIM-9M or AIM-7M just give me my Python 4.
Fingers crossed we get more missile variation now. Aim-9L/I and other Aim-9L IRCCM variants for European nations would be great.
I reckon it would have been a fine counterpart to the F-16C and MiG-29SMT with only Python 4’s and no radar missiles.
Yeah. Same with radar missiles… MICA, AIM-120, DERBY, PL-12, R-77
That would be nice.
Yep, though I do also hope they dont forget about older missiles. Red Tops and SRAAM both need scrapping and starting again.
But yeah, looking forward to ARH missiles. Going to be interesting to use
I just want the F-4F ICE. Ever since I got the F-4F earlier this year, I’ve been really wanting to play it.
Yeah Barak II could simply sit with only P4 at 12.3 or 12.7 and possible (lighter) Barak I could be added with P3 and early DERBY variant at 12.7 for example. Just a thought
yeah, Im the same with SHar FA2. dont get me wrong. I want the Typhoon. But the SHar FA2 sounds like a rather fun jet to have
That’s what I was thinking, yeah.
I’m the same with ICE and JA37D (with RB99 ofc.)
I’ve been grinding America for a few months now and am also looking forward to the AV-8B when it gets added to the American tree.
Ye ye. I wonder about that rumored MiG-21-93 with R-27/R-77 and R-73 (all with HMD). I feel like it also would be hella fun