Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I was joking, please don’t add infantry with rocketlaunchers gaijin.

so what about a Training focused update

Alpha Jet, Gnat and other’s equivalents


Testing, marking, if anything, is no longer assigned to the buyer’s country




Relatively Recent Tests:


So i guess we will just have to wait for India sub-tree for the cool variants like the one with a T-72 engine to come into play.

It would also mean wacky SPG with the M-46 Catapult


F/A-18 with german Camo looks cool

only the British one looks better

So now can we have a royal navy airforce F-14 now please lol.

F-35 so bad they making the F/A-18 Stealth to take it’s only advantage

They didn’t buy them or test them, so no )

Looks at the Swedish tree lol

Why not the Canadian version, we’ve literally just got a Russian MBT from India, we already have other commonwealth vics, you point doesn’t make any sense

Damn, it’s almost like the F/A-18 was never flown in British colours, and the only link you have is british pilots flying American F-18s a few times.

And this is somehow a most justifiable link than…Canadas CF-18?

Because we have our own option

Except we don’t. F-18s weren’t purchaed or owned by the UK. They were flown on test programs where we flew American planes.

That’s it.
How is that any way easier to justify than a country that uses it?

Canada ≠ UK. Calm down, each country has its own options and offer that can be added

Swedish tree = Trailed vehicles
Japanese tree = Fake/pretend vehicles

All in the name of filling gaps so I would mind if Britain has some trailed/tested vehicles from the US to fill the game until the Typhoon.

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no need, or our pc need massive upgrade again

do we really? I run the game on max settings at 500 Fps

So, the slippery slope from Commonwealth to “anything that was trialed” has commenced.

And a Thai F-16 OCU will replace F-16AJ in the future.
Also, people really should stop ignoring SAAF Gripen…