Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

From what I’ve found so far the Gripen was “confirmed” by a single dev on the russian forums and said to be PLANNED for this year on the english forums by a tech mod

I’m not saying opposite. Sea Harrier FA2 is more likely this year. Not Gripen. But Typhoon for me was always likely early to mid next year.

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And semi confirmed in the Hungarian aviation question too

Would you happen to have a link to that?

Just bored as hell in bombing bases in the Tornado Gr1 at the moment. That’s all I’ve done in 10 months. I’ve not touched WT in weeks. Last update was nothing. This update looks like little hope for Britain ground. Only hope is we get maybe something. Anything for air

Q: Do you plan to include Hungarian aviation in the future for the Italian tree as was also done with Finland for the Swedish tech tree? It could offer some interesting opportunities such as the Me 210C, L-39, MiG-29 and Gripen, as well as Mi-24 and Mi-8.
A: Yes, we do. With this major update, 3 Hungarian helicopters — the Mi-24D, Mi-24V and premium Mi-24P have been added.

If you’ve got the Gr1 then you also have access to loads of other very interesting jets.
When was the last time you touched lower rank jets?

I feel you. I am too. But you are going realy hard on the forum rn, and that is hurting your reputation. I respect you as a fellow human beeing and i do not want you to turn into the like that can be seen on the forum.

In SB they aren’t really fun for me. Waiting for Red tops and SRAAM to be fixed to open up those jets as an option. Everything else is a bit meh. Not really found fun. I’ve tried quite a few in SB

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Ah, that one, thank you

Not really sure if I’d call that a confirmation for the Gripen, but I can see how that would imply one

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Perhaps, just frustrated that every update includes really interesting and capable jets for some nations, and they still haven’t even finished some we got a year ago, not too mention adding anything new for us.


If i can give a suggestion, try playing Spit lf mk 9. I find this Spit the most relaxing.

Yea I guess they want something to hold the Air side as the Gripen would over the Mig 29.
So it would make sense for the air sub tree to be delayed

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Tried those, but it just insta flat spins in SB. Need to totally overhaul my control set up and spend ages learning how to fly props in SB. Even then, pottering about for ages waiting for something to appear just gets tedious whenever I’ve tried in the past. Not too mention they aren’t overly populated I’ve found at that BR

Then that is where my ideas end. The last i can suggest is take a break untill the Dec update. Whatever the new plane will be it will be something new at last.

Maybe he can try to play some other nations at least give it a go might like somthing in one of them.

You have no idea how playing other nations hurts UK main pride (im one). But yea, i got over it and i must say not having to aim for enemy crew one by one is sure fun


Maybe, basically what I’m doing. Nothing else to do. And screw grinding another tree. Takes too long.

Even if they finished the Gr1 and overhauled the Red Tops and SRAAM to be usable then I’d go back playing things like the Lightning or Sea Vixen. But Red Tops just frustrate me at the moment.

They could do SO much to tie Britain over for the next few months, but they just seem unwilling to do so.

And usually if Gaijin plans something they do it, because these things are worked on for months.

However if you have sources to share that say that say that the Gripen is off the table for this year I’ll accept being wrong.

Well I main Japan and just like them we sometimes get left out but i mix things up by playing other nations.