Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


Any news on whether or not Red Tops and SRAAM are getting their overhauls?

Both still underperforming hard, leaving their aircraft almost unplayable.


They’ve said they aren’t interested in the AIM-4’s but the F-89J keeps coming back which revolved around AIM-4’s. Maybe they’ll add them at that BR where their poor stats don’t matter. Kinda like the R.511.
WT lacks a long list of early cold war US and USSR interceptors that revolve around early A2A missiles.


spaa or td?

Oh hey, on the topic of New Power… its been three years since then, I don’t suppose you can say if we’re going to see actual new top tier ships or not???

Still not said anything about that new nation : (

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I’d say we’d be looking at the possibility of
S.Harrier FA.2
Tornado GR4
Tornado CSP
BAe Hawk 200
Harrier GR.9A
Jaguar GR.3A

Most likely one of the last two if i’m honest

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Kinda feel like Smin just dropped a hint with that

Why did you just choose such an objectivly terrible addition thst fills no gap, things basically a worse vfm5

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Tbh it’s always been CBT packs I’m not expecting a full tech tree

I’d agree, though CSP would suck if thats all we got after the year we’ve had. FA2 at least has a slim chance in a turn fight.

Hawk and Jag wouldnt be top tier (though both welcome at their BR)

The Finnish premium at 4.3 was one of them and the J 29

I disagree. Honestly Britian needs more speedy dart slingers that’re domestic, not South African. It’s a unique aesthetic, good rounds, 105km/h speed, and will make for a welcome addition to a lacking light tank lineup


So at most we wait till next year to get even a chance for a decent ifv … great…

And im still sad i havent won the lottery, but thats just as relevant.

Its a non-premium Rooikat 105 that needs to go on a diet. What will make or break it is its Optics, shells and other key stats. Could be meh, could be fun. But Britain cant complain about getting a light tank after not getting any in like 2 years

Does the same role as the rooikat tho


Honestly i’m a bit mixed on FA.2
While I could see it being really useful in Sim, in ARB and GRB? I think it’d be eaten alive. It’s a 9.3 airframe with some niceties added on. It’s not got much in the way of handling improvements at all, so you’d be turning the same as the harrier GR.1 against MiG-29s

Yeah, never know. We’ll have to wait and see