Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I doubt Mirage 4000 will end up in the tech tree.
It would not be surprising if Britain ended up with Harrier and Tornado equipped with AIM-120 while F-18 ends up in the US, Swedish and German tree.
Or Germany wont get a Swiss F-18 and is stuck with F-4F ICE till Eurofighter is added.
F-15 and SU 27, as well as F-18 I’d say and apparently Gripen are likely to come in the next months.
Eurofighter and Rafale afterwards perhaps.

Depends wether R-27P/EP are added.

I predict the Either German air gets absolutely nothing or F4F ICE at most when F3s get added

after all a Norm 90 camo has been datamined

but keep in mind German air always had to wait at least one major longer than the rest to get sth. competitive

Mirage 4000 doesn’t mean much
Because it was just an experimental product, at the time of its birth, there was no MICA, not even a Super 530D,it was only available to Magic 1 or other bad radar AAM, and it did not play a big role in the game.
France urgently needed to prepare MICA for the Mirage 2000-5F to counter the upcoming JAS39C and the F-16CD with the AIM-120

Sounds like Milan 2

Make Germany great again /s

What good is it if all you can find is junk in there?

Where did I say something else?
There are reasons why I doubt that Mirage 4000 will be added to the tech tree…
While I bet Super 530D could be added on it with some of the Fantasy vehicles we have in game MICA would perhaps be added on it by Gaijin but Rafale will close the gap when Mirage 2000 leaves one.


The actual use in the game is indeed an enhanced version of MILAN, because the air combat performance is not good, you can refer to the use of MILAN, carry more bombs, and get more points XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Please no!
I love Milan but it sits at an unfortunate place.

Is that a F-16J I’m hearing?


Aim-120 could be added to most nations. Not just US. Sea Harrier FA2 and F4F Ice could both come with AMRAAM and not added to other nations to give them an advantage and a hope in hell at top tier. Besides isnt R77 akin to Aim120C not Aim120B?

But I think “AMRAAM” is often used as a default for “Fox 3”

A Russian main had a mental break down


Looked as if many people might have had one tbh.

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If you have an even larger German TT, but all you have in it is junk, it won’t get you anywhere.
There are already a dozen test vehicles in the German TT.

i don’t get the junk part but ok

Lots of additions means nothing if they are all subpar. Britain has 5 MBTs. That doesn’t necessarily mean Britain has a strong ground line up


Bro it’s a game chill


You may feel free to stop your crusade of meaninglessness and repetition.

Have your opinions, that’s great.
But man, clearly they are unappreciated and your words aren’t being heard or taken seriously.

TL:DR, stop talking.