Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

A Russian main had a mental break down


Looked as if many people might have had one tbh.

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If you have an even larger German TT, but all you have in it is junk, it won’t get you anywhere.
There are already a dozen test vehicles in the German TT.

i don’t get the junk part but ok

Lots of additions means nothing if they are all subpar. Britain has 5 MBTs. That doesn’t necessarily mean Britain has a strong ground line up


Bro it’s a game chill


You may feel free to stop your crusade of meaninglessness and repetition.

Have your opinions, that’s great.
But man, clearly they are unappreciated and your words aren’t being heard or taken seriously.

TL:DR, stop talking.


And you’ve been doing what for the last 2 hours on here for Soviets?


Don’t know what he means either but I consider most slow open top tank destroyers junk like sturer emil, dicker max, nashorn, waffentrager etc. junk. You can play them but there is no reason too because on all these brs are better vehicles.

no it was about adding a bunch of subtrees to germany like austria, czechia, switzerland, netherlands, poland, etc

stop talking you too.
i have opinion against US vehicles, and you cant deny it.

I think that was the point. A nation with 98 bad vehicles that no one plays and 2 good vehicles that everyone plays is necessarily a stronger or better nations than one with 10 okay vehicles that some people play and 2 good vehicles everyone plays

There is a difference between having an opinion and trolling.

XP-50 BR is not nerfed yet, A-10 with AIM-9L is still not nerfed to 11.0, A-6E aswell
M1A1 AIM not moved up to 11.7
F-14A Early not moved up to 12.3, F-14B to 13.0 & F-16C aswell

And we all have opinions against soviet vehicles too. Just because other people have different opinions to your own doesn’t make our opinions invalid.

Personally I play SB as Britain, I rarely If ever fight US and so I do have a biased perspective and thus biased opinion about fighting soviet. But that doesn’t make those objection untrue


It’s not about being right or wrong for me.
I just find it concerning that you’ve performed the equivalent of yelling at your monitor to deaf ears for several hours now.
Your efforts yield no results, might as well spend your hours better at that point

Su25 with R60M not nerfed yet
S238 not nerfed yet
Ka50 not nerfed yet
T72 TURMS not nerfed yet
T-80BVM not fixed yet
Mig-29 to Br13 when?

For every US vehicle you moan about there is probably a soviet one also too moan about


Uh, I normally write posts about problems that exist xD

All I want is for every vehicle to be depicted accurately; I want SEP and AIM to get their correct armor values, the same way I want Leclercs, Arietes and Merkavas to do so as well; and the same way I was the first player to bring out the issues with T-64A’s underperforming armor, ballistics and poor balance against the XYZ-70s back when it was released in 1.71 (2017) and when I, “U.S main and Russian hater” according to you, was a Russian main, being Russia among the first Top Tier nations I grinded and one of the most played nations by me.

I also talked about the M1 balance issue when it was actually OP (2018) and Russia ACTUALLY suffered for a while, particularly against U.S, when all it had to counter M1 and later IPM1 were T-64A and T-64B- I even deemed T-80B not to be sufficient back then, asking for BV with improved armor layout and T-72B as well- so yes, I have advocated for Russia when it was actually needed, and I’ve called U.S OP when it has actually OP. (Other instances of me supporting Russian vehicles include back when I attempted to have T-90A’s turret traverse speed buffed as according to my understanding of its stabilizer’s specifications).

Anyway, that’s my last reply on this waste of time xD I took my sweet time and effort to try to take you seriously for a second, which is more than you deserve, so I hope you appreciate it!

EDIT: here’s my topic attempting to improve T-90A’s turret rotation speed. Is this the kind of post a “Russophobic U.S main” would do to you? T-90A wrong turret rotation speed (underperforming) - General & Upcoming - War Thunder - Official Forum


EDIT 2: look, more posts a “Russophobic U.S main” would do! Not only talking about the ingame vehicles, their issues and balance: but also about Russian tanks in real life:


I fully expect F-4F ICE purely from the fact that AV-8B+ came before AV-8BNA.

Ka-50 has been nerfed 3 times, and sits at 11.0, where it shares a BR with the superior helicopter Rooivalk until the next BR change where Rooivalk finally goes above it.
T-72A TURMS has rather weak armor, that’s its “nerf”.
2S38 is nerfed from the fact it doesn’t have a search radar.

Lineup plays a huge role aswell. For example Germany at 4.3 has tanks like jagdpanzer4, hetzer, stug3 G and sturer emil (maybe ostwind or wirbelwind aswell). The first 3 are great but all have no turret and are tank destroyers.
You need a mix of tanks aswell

That’s why I am quite passionate about a rank 3 light tank for germany.