Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Sweden and Britain be like


I am just wondering what they could go for with the new German Leopard 2.

If the 2 PSO uses the 2A6EX they already have the hull for that thing almost completely finished, except for the 2-3 “bricks” of UFP add on armor.

EDIT: used bricks because I couldn’t find a better word to quickly use and because I have an annoying headache.

Add a 2A6 turret with maybe minor visual changes and that seems like an easy new and actually improved MBT for Gaijin to add to the German tree.

the MiG-29G shouldn’t be added unless as an Event vehicle

it has literally no in game noticeable upgrades to the 9.12A except the camo

Explain this, Gaijin makes most of its money from US vehicles mains

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Yeah! F*ck Italy.

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Not much, mostly mine protection plate and the engine bay is slightly raised


look at the MiG-23ML before this

I tell you, Swordfish with single AMRAAM, and a third guy lying on the top wing while holding 2 rods acting as a radar is the future.


Italy Typhoons
Japan F-2


was added long before F4s

show proof

MiG-23ML is just M with R-24R and nothing more, its not even great prem jet

Ingame we have this:
Presentation tank Demo 2 as well as a turret from the Leopard 2A5 or, in other words, a test vehicle, Gaijin was not above putting a test tank in the TT again instead of a production model.
If it had been the production model, we would now have a 2A7(+)

That’s why so many people say that the German TT is so full - it’s no wonder there are so many test vehicles

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Knowing Britain, probably doable

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I once saw a Kitbash on a Modelling Con of a Spitfire MK1 with Wingtip ASRAAMs and the tripple Brimstone pods under the wings

Now i need to find it. Or simply add it ingame

What do you mean?

then again i want to know why gaijin isnt doing anything against a big asian country with full cheaters and botters in EU & US server?

It is not as bad as it was 2 months ago, but thats what hapens when you use EAC

honestly never once met a cheater in the past 3000h