Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Harrasing and off topic is based though

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Not really off topic if it’s effecting the topic

Theres a reason why F-5’s and F-16’s are so plain op. Its mostly the match rules and map design which make them great. Its especially obvious for the F-5’s, they’re not even mach two jets and have no great missile either…but beeing small and maneuverable, energy conserving and rather low engine temperatur…this makes them often better than jets which are far more modern / higher BRed.

Did you really call the F-5 op lmao

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Why is every post from you somehow offensive?

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I hope gaijin read this thread and consider 3rd generation pod on MiG-29SMT (9-19) this month or december this year

F-16C Block 30 Barak armed guided Air-to-Ground armament slightly better Kurnass 2000 but carry LANTIRN AN/AAQ-14 Sharpshooter targeting pod better AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike from Kurnass 2000 but older Rafael Litening I and never employ BVRAAM derby

I guess in the future fighter aircraft 12.0 after F-4E Kurnass 2000 it might be F-15 Baz I

Thx for another insult. Renzo. What have I ever done to you?

Can’t say a word otherwise it’s offensive
not even the thing I said here

Like how was my question about the F-5 being OP an insult omg

Yep, its also why you almost never see them in SB, despite the fact they’d be an easy SL printer with some bombs attached (I think they can carry some bombs)

And… my post from yesterday got flagged again.

Damn I wonder who was petty enough for that couldn’t possibly know myself…🤔

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I mean questioning someone calling an aircraft op is now offensive and an insult so who know now lmao

In a close range brawl, the F5 does have some meaningful strengths. The biggest being its stupidly cold engine temps and the fact that reheat plume temp isnt modeled. Aim-9L is instantly defeated by a single flare dropped by an F5 due to the relative difference in Temp. The same is not true for a lot of other aircraft. Even non-reheating aircraft like the harriers have a higher temp profile than the F5 on full reheat at the moment.

it also just designed to dogfight

Where did I say that? Dont mix up my replies.

Why the F-5 is the queen of the Air RB close range furball is pretty much obvious. Don’t make me to explain the same stuff over and over again.

tbf you did say another so I thought that other was me

Making absolutely ridiculous arguments like the Jumbo 76 needing to be 6.7, because it is equal to the Tiger II(H).

Unless that was all bait, in which case I would respect the effort you put into selling that bait.

Ah my mistake then.

Added it to the post.

At some point I might as well make it a proper suggestion whenever I have the time an willpower to do so.

It was 5.7 or 5.3 as US Ground Forces were introduced. Now its 6.3 BR. So after all I was not entirely wrong and for sure more realistic as the “fine as it is” faction.

Any chance we see ecm before december?

what ecm?