Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

He unironically believes that the IRIS-T would be balanced against the AIM-9M.

Please do not revive this topic. We burried it hours ago.

Next Update - Hornet time
UK - CF-18 (Canada)
Sweden - F/A-18C (Finnish)
Italy - F/A-18A+/C (Spanish)
Germany - F/A-18C (Swiss)
US - USMC F/A-18 (Any variant)

Everyone else gets a low tier attacker/bomber

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Yeaaaaaaa nah


C/F-18 would be Canada

But we are no where near F-18, Im guessing we’ll see F-15s, Typhoons, Su-27s etc first

Why ?

since it’s spec time which I don’t know why

UK - Typhoon
Sweden - Gripen
Italy - Gripen ( Typhoon ? )
Germany - Typhoon
US - F-15
USSR - ?
Israel - F-15
Japan - F-15J
France - ?
China - J 10


Mirage 4000 :)?


Or maybe Rafale

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Rafale; Variant and Standard depending on how capable you want it.
Considering Eurofighters and Gripen C with AMRAAM and range of A2G armament, Rafale C F.2.2 or F.3.2 is your best bet.


Most likely with some type of a handicap

Would probably be the same handicap as whatever Typhoon has

Yes, as for the USSR, maybe Su-57 :)? (27 for real)

nah, probably more likely the Mikoyan PAK DP

I think Zveno is the thing

starfighter electric bogaloo

ussr gets nothing cuz smt is the arh carrier

Not necessarily a list of next ARH carriers, but next gen of aircraft, likely Rank 9s

Cuz F/A-18 can still carry Aim-7’s… if gaijin is too scared for Aim-120’s



why yes, i want to see the forums burn, how so you know?


AMRAAM and other Fox 3 are needed and probably coming sooner rather than later. Britain and Sweden cant get anything (native)until they come. (I think China, Japan and France might be the same)

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