KH-38MT Tracking through a smoke?

The only sure fire way i’ve defeated KH-38 is to place myself behind something and then peak out to engage air targets. That way the KH-38s hit the rock or building in front of me.

Nope. Other systems in game have no issues hitting targets through smoke. 114Ls would just finally put everyone on an even playing field


  • Same range as a KH-38.
  • Could be modeled as the Dual-mode seeker and operate with the “man-in-the-middle” requirement and so would function just like other laser guided weapons like KH-38
  • mmV seeker heads are due ASAP anyway but even then, they could just be nerfed to be defeatable by smoke and instead just given decent IOG

Only slightly OP thing about them is the amount that can be mounted onto airframes.

AGM-65 vs Pantsir is just a non-starter. Pantsir out ranges AGM-65s greatly. We need an equal stand-off weapon, something with a range of at least 15+ km.

Other options would be cruise missiles like Storm Shadow or HARM missiles like ALARM. Current status quo cant remain and besides. Aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 should be right around the corner


The Spikes cant track behind smoke.

GOD FORBID any latest technologie goes for NATO


Who said anything about Spikes?

Kh-38MTs clearly have no trouble guiding through smoke.

Vihkrs have had no trouble hitting targets through smoke for YEARS

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I think CAS should be left weak and SPAA should hard counter them. Other nations just need Pantsir equivalents.

Devs denied anti radiation missiles before. They don’t believe they would work.

Yeah. They lied

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Is the Spike not another system?

What about it?

They have been on the fence. Though did start asking for more information about them…

With things like AI versions of Patriot and S-300 systems being datamined. Those might be added as AI targets for things like HARM in ARB/ASB.

How good they would be vs something like the Pantsir is of-course debatable, as they can always just turn the radar off. But the threat of them is something to consider

They don’t track through smoke. They don’t have IOG unlike KH-38MT.

Most maps does not offer such kind of cover, and pilot are not idiots and attack from different directions.

And as I sad FlaRakRad has terrible mobility (because it lacks like 11 gear in tits bloody gearbox) so on some maps it struggles even to leave spawn.
I’m already 0 death leaving tiny maps, I’m not sure what maps would remain, if I start quitting maps without decent starting cover :D

Yeah the top tier balance for CAS vs SPAA does suck. Only SPAA that stands a chance is the Pantsir these days. So its time other nations get some major buffs. Currently hoping for the ASRAAM slinging truck for Britain to replace the ADATS at top tier

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And? Basically everything that carries Spikes could carry Hellfires.

Can the US get this too?

US would get SLAMRAAM

No, but Id guess they’d get something like a Humvee that fires SL-AMRAAM

Don’t we have that on a Harrier?

No. The Harrier Gr1 and Hunter F6 have SRAAM.

ASRAAM is the advanced Gen 5 IR missile used on most modern british aircraft.

In the ground fire configuration it has a range of about 16km