KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

still 5.5 for me

well that’s not my problem, but your claim of “4km” is a complete bs.

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4km is ingame , with fog and day conditions
your 7 was the best ihave seen

not all maps have fog… in fact most dont even have. in game 7km can be done.

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7KM is with in range of the Roland and the Tunguska the two SACLOS SPAAs present at that BR range

they can not spot the missile

the a10 late can get a lock from further, it has agm 65d which are ir.

A-10A gets slapped with IR spaa

the best is actually 8,

“you must know that NATO doctrine relies on CAS to achieve air superiority,so they have a strong CAS arsenal and a weak SPAA arsenal compared to the Warsaw Pact/China that instead has a strong SPAA arsenal and weak CAS” -Gaijin,in the past (paraphrased but you get the point)

And yet,Russia gets the long range laser missiles with god-tier damage and the incredibly good SPAAs,with NATO nations that have most of their bombs locked at Mach 1.01 and other stuff that either have a really bad aiming system or a really bad damage,on top of having not the best SPAAs in the game.

Picture me confused, because i can’t stand this

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what is that tank?

a t54.

I’m pretty sure that Russia also have that limitation.

they have kh29T which does not ( and they use those)

With pod agm-65d can outrange any spaa except pantsir and lock moving target from 14-15km. Harrier gr7 could outrange every spaa for 6 month until pantsir arrived.


So does China in a way stronger aircraft (JH-7A).

kh-38 is much better platform , way more aggressive due to IOG and loft code it has

it can rival pansir

I dont get how y’all are going crazy over these missiles, USSR CAS has never been that great, at least compared to other nations, and the time they get something good y’all want it gone.

I admit it’s not balanced but we don’t need more of such weapons in-game

“It’s only now overpowered, why do you care that it’s overpowered?”

I don’t care if it’s removed or not I care that Gaijin chooses to add CAS powercreep piecemeal with no logic behind additions.

Russia has the strongest SPAA in the game, so why aren’t they faced with the strongest CAS?

If SPAA isn’t meant to be the primary counter to CAS, why is spawning an interceptor still costly?