Kfir c.7 br is problematic

As yall know the kfir c.7 is at a br 12.0 at ARB which is quite awful for him since he has no radar when he gets up tiered no radar missiles and have only 4 (IR)missiles when in up tier planes have (IR+RADAR)10 missiles so my idea is pls gaijin decrease the kfir.c7 to br of 11.7

  • Yes i want him at br 11.7
  • No i want him at br 12.0
0 voters

11.7 is likely fine since it lacks radar missiles and other jets of similar capability like J7E are already lower. Keep in mind this thing has far better FM performance than most jets at its BR as it stands though and thats its strong suit and why it has the BR it does.

I’d drop him entirely out of sympathy for how atrocious that stock grind is lol.


see i would love to see it at a lower br, but it would cause a domino effect cause then you have to put the C.2 and Canard down in br since they are all .3 lower then each other

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Kfir C7 is correctly 12.0.
Kfir C2 is 11.7 with 2 less missiles.
Tornado IDS is 11.3/11.7 with a slightly worse airframe and 2 less missiles.
Mig-23MLD is 11.7 with only 2 great missiles.
F-5E FCU is 11.3 with only 2 great missiles and a worse airframe than the Kfir.
JA37D is 12.0 with a significantly worse airframe and 2 more AIM-9Ls.

F-104S ASA is 12.0 with a worse airframe, worse RWR, and similar weapons.

Kfir C7 is fine where it is.

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as long as jets like j7e stay where they are there is no issue with that

It was the only stock grind I gave up on doing, I played a few games, but I gave up… It’s the worst stock grind I’ve ever seen in this game.

As always, you defend the indefensible, Kfir C7 is not at all good in 12.0, ASA neither, 36 countermeasures on a Mirage 5 airframe that only brings an F-4E engine to the table is nothing “Wow”, Taking into consideration that you will simply face fighters like Su-27, Mig-29A, F-14A/B, F-15, Mirage 2K, with a swarm of Magic II, 9M and R-73, so no, 12.0 is not good for this plane, does the fighter have excellent performance? there is, but it doesn’t justify this simply meaningless BR, and don’t make up the excuse that because he has 4 missiles he deserves this BR, 4xPythons-3 that get lost with a lit cigarette, that’s not all you think, at least you Did you play with this plane? because you talk so much nonsense on this forum that it’s impressive how you give so much credit saying that you just have to do this or that… he in 11.7 would help a lot, even because in this BR you have countless planes to be a counter to him, Besides, he’s not the only one who should go down (Although in my opinion going down is a terrible idea because you save several planes and at the same time condemn others), so don’t come and say that C is fine at 12.0…


None of the aircraft you mentioned are 12.0.
F-1C is already known to be under-BR’d so you can’t mention that for your singular 12.0 that you didn’t even mention.

Mostly prior to it getting Python 3s.
Kfir C2 is balanced at 11.7, and is objectively inferior to Kfir C7.

I don’t know why your post is spreading so much hate against the Kfirs.

Also F-14A can’t frag Kfirs anywhere close to easily.

Doesn’t this literally only get 2 9Gs? Or does it get 4

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It gets 2 Python 3s at this time.
I played it when it was effective BR 11.3 [decompression adjusted] with 2x 9Gs, and played it again 2ish months ago to get its Python 3s.

I’d love to say that “Kfir C7 should move down” but it’s more like certain 13.0s should move up [F-15, AV-8B+, etc].
Similar solution, but decompression instead of making Kfir C7 effectively the best 11.7.

Yeah so that isn’t good enough for 11.7… game needs more decompression
MiG-23MLD would always give Kfir a run for its money for best 11.7 regardless

Couldn’t agree more. It belongs at 11.7, while the C.2 belongs at 11.3 and the Kfir Canard belongs at 11.0 where it is currently. When one goes down the others should follow.

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(wait till OP hears about the Kurnass 2000)

you have to be trolling


11.7? that’s already over
tiered, this plane is 11.3 at BEST ,with stuff like the J7D at 11.0 and the mig 23ml at 11.7 and the thailand f5 that also has all aspects at 11.3 (with the same missiles az the c7 btw) as well as an actual functioning radar that even has eegs ,12.0 is just lunacy for the kfir c7 , at 11.7 is already uptiered let alone at 12.0 going against su 33 and F14 as well as mig 29 and f16 not to mention the pesky premiums with irccm AND good fox 1s

If 11.7 is over-tiered for Kfir C7, you have to hold that take for Mig-23ML, F-5E FCU, JA-37s, etc otherwise there is bias in your position.