K2 Black Panther GF - In Germany Tech tree

I’m sorry? I don’t re-call everyone was okay with the T-90 Bhishma going to the U.K. None of the British mains were asking for that, there were more of wanting something domestic as a SQV, not that.


My brother in christ… every Brit main I know kicked off big time over the Bhishma, we would’ve all preferred a Vickers MBT, or something we actually had a hand in designing, not what was essentially a Copy Paste Russian tank that is ironically one of the best tanks, and arguably the best “British” tank at 10.3 armour-wise.

Put it this way, I’ve yet to see anyone say they wanted the Bhishma added to the UK Tree

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Everyone hate the T-90 in the British tree but now India is our second sub for some reason.
We have no other choice now.

Are they?
I havent really seen anyone being happy about it
People complain about about the T80 U for sweden but i dont think its even being used

At least the T-80U has some sort of connection as it was trailed where Britain other than sub tree doesn’t.

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The connection: Gaijin saw a money making opportunity

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Or seems like to full holes with Russian tech as their head dev fav nation is Russia lol.
Which explains why BvvD sits in the Russian tree for half of the dev stream

Brits don’t want indian tanks? My dudes, you wanted to have indian prime minister but suddenly you do not want indian tanks?

Nah, i don’t think so.

Bruh, take your T-90 back please we do not want it.

Edit; I’m not even talking about a swap, just take it away.


We only wanted to have Indian tanks that made sense not Russian copies.

I mean that one of the most ridiculous reasons I heard when it comes to that, and we didn’t even have him as a choice ether as he was parachuted in.


Where on earth does a Indian prime minister for Britain have to do with Indian stuff in WT for the U.K. Tech tree?

Simple. You like indian stuff, so you get indian stuff.

Only if it’s our tech they used

Do want Indian Russian stuff in the British tech tree ?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Let’s see shall we ?

1: I am not British, I am what you call a Yankee.
2: That is by-far the dumbest logic I have ever heard in my life, I’m sorry that is just a really absurd take that I have ever heard in my life. I don’t want to be rude by that take is ridiculous.

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Well, i don’t want indian stuff in game, but majority of britmains wanted it, so you have t90s, indian jaguars etc, you even have topics here to add arjun tank to britain

Also by this reason @Hudler does this mean Germany can have Austria as a sub ? As they voted in a Austrian leader at one time

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I mean, where elswhere would you put austrian vehicles?

Or a better example. If the U.S. Voted a person who is Pulling a random example here… a Japanese American was voted for president. Would that mean all Japanese stuff should go to the U.S Tech-tree in WT? @Hudler

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Without getting too political, you are completely wrong - he’s not Indian, he’s actually born in Southampton. What you mean to say is he is of Indian descent. Moreover, there has been no popular vote on his premiership. The last election in which people voted in a Prime Minister was in 2019, where Boris Johnson was elected.

Notwithstanding, I struggle to see how any of those factors contribute to whether we want to see Indian vehicles in the Tech Tree.

Next time you start typing in your keyboard, please ensure you have all your facts correct before pressing “reply”