K2 Black Panther GF - In Germany Tech tree

Nope. You are wrong.

seriouisly tell me besides ur invalid argument

I have proven every argument of you as wrong until now and everyone would agree to that

And believe me when i say Mahiwew and me rarely get at the same opinion

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Perhaps surprisingly I think we do, the issue is that we only talk about the things we disagree about :p

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are you insane?

Let me clarify

You 2 dudes, really think, that:

Polish tanks, that are currently being fielded together by Poland, tanks that being together in the same time, in the same army, in the same units, being operated by the same soldiers

should be in game

in different tech trees, so one polish TT tank would be fighting secont polish TT tank

Is that what you are thinking?

Woah now, I’m advocating for quite the opposite: a Polish tree where all Polish stuff goes.


And i told you before - there is not enough vehicles to form a sensible full tech tree

As stated, I disagree.

Because I find that our conversation went fairly civil I inquired about your opinion, but instead chose to ignore my question.

I’m not looking to tilt you, I’m trying to hold an actual proper discussion.
The feeling has to be mutual though, which it clearly isn’t when one ignores the other.

i am not saying it should be the case, i am just saying gajin doesnt care about that look at Canada. You cant consider the K2 to go to germany, because your argument is pretty fickle and doesnt hold ground overall.
Its more likely the K2 wont come to germany at all and will only be implemented in a korean tree or once poland comes itself.
But it wont be added for germany. If it gets added for korea, its most likely korea exclusive

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WHY do we need another copy pastes?

We have BMPs in 4 tech trees, T55 in 3 tech trees, T72 in 5 tech trees

Why add tech tree that mostly consists of copy pastes and only have more unique tanks in 1st era and top tier?

Maybe it would be sensible if there was “international tech tree” where all subtrees of countries with less tanks would go, but full polish tech tree? It would be a joke like israeli tech tree, full of skipable vehicles till we would get to first PT91

what u are saying is no more tree should be added at all basicaly, again copy paste will be the standard from now.
There is a single reason gajin will continue to add new trees. Money, they cant necesarily sell premiums for existing trees since their is already existing premiums without powercreep.
The easy solution for gajin is new trees where people buy new premiums to specialy get to the unique stuff at the end. Honestly its all just logical critical thinking.
If you realy think gajin is gonna miss a huge money making possibility with the K2 you are realy wrong


I am not against new tech trees. But tech trees with 3 tanks copied and pasted is not something i would like to see.

I’ll rather want some international tech trees.

Like “european tree” with czech, slovak, yugoslavian, hungarian, polish, greece vehicles
“asian vehicles” with like taiwan, vietnamese, korean vehicles

Like it would form a bigger, fuller tech tree from countries that does not have enough vehicles on thier own. I mean, look at israel with copy-pasted tanks one after another

Did you ever realy look at those countries? They all are pretty much copy paste as well

That’s why i want to choose not simple “copy pastes” but tanks that are different. Even licensed versions that were modified by country.

And for example, “asian tech tree” could have tanks like vietnamese T54M3 and T55M3, which is their modification then be finished wifh south korean K2 and also north korean M2020 etc

I already explained they have plenty of unique aviation and ground options.
Note that unique can take the form of heavy modifications too. I’d be hard pressed to see someone call the BWP-40 or BWP-95 copy paste.

No, this brings a huge wave of it’s own problems.
For example, if we make this tree, why would a country like Poland have to share it’s tree with Brazil? Few people would be interested in grinding a whole tree of vehicles they don’t care for just to get one that they want.

Another reason is the loss of character.
The US and French tree for example have a western character. USSR has an Eastern one. Israel had a Western one based on many modifications. China is mixed with a story of how their armed forces developed into their own character.
What would that of the international one be? Just a jumbled mess.

The argument of having more unique capability by adding so many countries together also can go the other way: more of such countries can lead to easier access for copy paste and thus less uniqueness.

It would also likely lead to less uniqueness in the sense that the obscure vehicles likely wouldn’t be added.
Uou can expect PT-91, but you will never get SKOT-64 as an example.w

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Poland would not share with Brazil - as earlier, i was saying for “european tree”, “asian tree”, “south american tree” etc

Loss of character? We already have leopards, t72s, t55s, bmps in almost all tech trees right now.

Also, international tech tree would give much more lineups possibilities. For example:
PT91 + T84 Oplot + M91 Vihor + PASARS16 + PZA Loara
3 MBTs and two SPAA for ~10.3 BR, all from central europe, pretty unique, different from everything we have right now

The same problems still apply.
It also adds the issue that this is an orientalist view of the world.

Again, this ignores the nature of modifications and what I mean by character.
As mentioned, it’s mainly the difference between western, eastern, neutral/mixed and evolving

That would be fine and dandy in theory, but it is still an orientalist concept as well as all my previously mentioned problems still apply.

Add to that that as, for example, a Polish fan you could wait for several updates to just get a single vehicle from said country due to the shared nature of the tree.

It’s just too much in too little space

I’d rather see the Polish K2 in a future Korean tree if not an independent Polish tree, it has enough from rank 1-8 to have its own.


put it in japan just cuz shits and giggles lol

Put it in Israel tt, as everyone forgot it exists, again…

Im gonna be real if its going anywhere right now in-game it has the most business being in the American tree considering its based on the K1 which is based on the Abrams.

No other country in-game with a tree uses it or tested it, and iirc sweden is not currently the ‘nordic’ tree so therefore it can’t go to Norway either.