K2 Black Panther GF - In Germany Tech tree

its going to germany , thats my point lol.
You just have proven to me that the K2 doesnt need to go germany

Gajin doesnt care about line ups, polish K2 could just as well be added to US or UK

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its not the point AT ALL if germany needs or doesn’t need it

FFS, we are talking here about where K2 SHOULD be added. And AS A POLISH TOP TIER vehicle it is only LOGICAL for it to be same as OTHER POLISH TOP TIER vehicle.

What is so hard about it?

which is proven as false cause of canada, it doesnt matter and is a null and void argument

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Oh, i get it now

damn, you really got me with that trolling

i really thought “nobody can be that stupid” when i realised you are just messing with me xD

name any other argument for poland to go to germany

Still waiting for an answer for this too kek

i am not messing with you lol, you seriously just have no valid argument for poland to go to germany, i can name u several for dutch and switzerland to go to germany as example.
But u are stuck on that single one which is not valid for poland

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I told you 1h ago dude, just read it

honestly better question is why u are so damn stuck to add the K2 to germany in the first place

Dude, so you are fr?

i mean, you wrong, so yeah

It’s a question that hasn’t been answered or asked an hour ago, I’d appreciate the effort ot actually answering it

Nope. You are wrong.

seriouisly tell me besides ur invalid argument

I have proven every argument of you as wrong until now and everyone would agree to that

And believe me when i say Mahiwew and me rarely get at the same opinion

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Perhaps surprisingly I think we do, the issue is that we only talk about the things we disagree about :p

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are you insane?

Let me clarify

You 2 dudes, really think, that:

Polish tanks, that are currently being fielded together by Poland, tanks that being together in the same time, in the same army, in the same units, being operated by the same soldiers

should be in game

in different tech trees, so one polish TT tank would be fighting secont polish TT tank

Is that what you are thinking?

Woah now, I’m advocating for quite the opposite: a Polish tree where all Polish stuff goes.


And i told you before - there is not enough vehicles to form a sensible full tech tree

As stated, I disagree.

Because I find that our conversation went fairly civil I inquired about your opinion, but instead chose to ignore my question.

I’m not looking to tilt you, I’m trying to hold an actual proper discussion.
The feeling has to be mutual though, which it clearly isn’t when one ignores the other.

i am not saying it should be the case, i am just saying gajin doesnt care about that look at Canada. You cant consider the K2 to go to germany, because your argument is pretty fickle and doesnt hold ground overall.
Its more likely the K2 wont come to germany at all and will only be implemented in a korean tree or once poland comes itself.
But it wont be added for germany. If it gets added for korea, its most likely korea exclusive

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