Just wanna give you a clear view about this pure 100% no scam historically accurate update

  1. Even if we take into account the fact that the difference in years no longer corresponds to reality, it would have been possible to introduce an earlier model of the Su-30 initially, or at least together with the later (SM) version at the same time, as Gaijin did with the F-18a and c variants, But even if we take into account that the regular version of the Su-30 appeared much earlier than the SM (early SU-30 has entered the service in 1996), it still appeared 9 years later than the F18C, but again 9 is also not quite fair but 9 is not F(ing) 25.

  2. And of F(ing) curse, I won’t even start talking about the crazy toys US had in the mid 2010’s…

I could put lots and lots of different pics like that, but anyway there was another way gaijin could make up for the huge difference in years, and that is give the F-18c(late) the most advanced loadouts from the mid 2010’s U.S could theoretically equip it with. (by “could theoretically” I meant only those loadouts that it was actually possible to equip the old F-18c(late) with.)

It includes:

Air-to-Air (AA) Weapons:

  • AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM – Advanced beyond-visual-range missile (entered service ~2008).
  • AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder – High off-boresight IR missile with lock-on after launch (~2014).

Air-to-Ground (AG) Weapons:

  • AGM-154C JSOW – Low-observable glide bomb with a BROACH warhead (~2005).
  • AGM-88E AARGM – Advanced anti-radiation missile (~2012).

(You can find more detailed information about the suspensions that could be installed on the f18c in Expanding The F/A-18C Armaments)

Year of introduction to service has never been a balancing factor nor the order of when vehicles come to the game. It doesn’t make sense to do so as many minor nations would never be on par with the bigger ones.


You are right, But I still wonder why have they added just the SU-30sm (latest model) and not together with the early one (SU-30), like they did with the both hornets. Or in order and separately as was done before.

this is why the BR system is in game, it is about being more fair for the player then having 2010 aircrafts in both trees, because wether you want to believe it or not, the americans made better planes.

That’s exactly what I meant.

They will most likely add the early su30 as a premium later.

Get all sales for the f18 premium then add the su30 premium after the f18 sales die down.

Much better than splitting the revenue between the two.

Now Google what was happening in the USSR in the 90s

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