I’ve got a ton of 10.7s researched, bought (often years ago) and, mostly, sitting there unflown and unspaded. The 10.7 BR seems a ‘significant’ one rather like 9.7. There are quite a few 9.7s and it’s where the first genuine supersonics sit, such as Lightning, MiG-21 and Starfighter - y’know, not just able to nudge M1.0, but able to smash through it and still climb at a phenomenal rate, IR missilesI, v fast in straight lines and run out of fuel before you finish your coffee. Then, aside from the US, there’s little or nothing at 10.0/3 in most TTs (Jag and improved Su-7 at 10.0 for UK, USSR respectively, but no 10.3s and nothing at all for GE, SW, IT). After 10.7 there’s often another jump before much in the way of better aircraft come along, just like post-9.7, so the 10.7s have a lot of utility at nominally higher BR brackets.
Thinking it’s about time to start working on some 10.7s and was thinking the following:
For the US both F-4C & F-4E sit at 10.7 and I initially planned on putting both in a lineup, but on looking at them I see no reason to waste time on the C, as the E offers the same and them some more on top.
The German F-4F looks like a solid choice, with Mavericks for SEAD and the usual shed-load of other bombs for anything you fancy bombing. Genuine multi-role fighter.
For Japan the F-4EJ is similar to the German Phantom. No PGMs, but gets the Sparrows lacking on the F-4F, so still a good multi-role option with a bit more ‘fighter’ and a bit less ‘precision strike.’
I part-spaded the STM in the USSR tree when it was new, so a simple case of finishing that, as I have all the missiles unlocked.
In the German tree the MF looks an obvious choice, as it offers something different to the Phantom and F-104G. Same goes for the equivalent in the Italian tree.
I had planned to use the F-104G in the Italian tree, but, rather like the US Phantom case, the F-104S simply offers more. If I want a 104G the German version offers more and also adds something to the German 10.7 lineup, so ‘yes’ to German 104G and Italian 104S, but ‘no’ to Italian G.
CAS Specialists
Both A-10A and Su-25 are obvious good options for any EC lineup and add something unique to the US, USSR 10.7 lineups. Easy choice.
British Tree
I’ve got half-way through spading the Harrier FRS.1. The 5 x 1000-lber loadout is just right for base-killing, but once I start work on the Jag GR.1A the Harrier will revert to the pure fighter role. Both of those look obviously useful.
I’m not so sure about the Buccaneer S.2B. Same raw performance as the S.2, which is great at 9.3, but is becoming inadequate at 9.7 when faced with MiG-21s or Starfighters, and by 10.7 everything is that fast and carries much better missiles. The bomb loads are still good at 10.7, but getting 3 LGBs when the Jag already carries 2? Not adding much. The Martels are something different at least. Better CM suite than the S.2. Probably fun to scream through valleys on Afghanistan in dog-sh*t weather and maybe saving it for such missions is the way to spade it. Not a priority, but adds a bit to the UK 10.7 lineup.
The Su-17M2 is a Fitter that finally has decent avionics, so completes a useful lineup for the USSR: Fitter, Fishbed, Frogfoot.
The AMX makes an obviously useful addition to the Italian F-104S and MiG-21MF.
I spaded the J35D way back, but it’s had a fire protection module added sometime, so needs re-spading. Was fun when it was the top tier; no doubt still good.
As I said, there are a lot of 10.7s and the above list is by no means all of them, but those are the ones I have ready for use. Any thoughts on the above aircraft or which nations have especially good/bad 10.7 lineups? BTW, not a place to discuss aircraft not at 10.7, but which you think should be moved up/down to 10.7, nor those which are 10.7, but you think shouldn’t be.