Junkers Ju 390-From Germany to New York

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  • Battlepass
  • Premium
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  • 7.0
  • 7.3
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Ju 390


Hello everyone :), what I would like to introduce today is Junkers Ju 390.


During World War II, Germany set its sights on the United States across the Atlantic, but it did not have its own large bombers capable of bombing the United States across the Atlantic, which gave rise to the new heavy bomber program in 1943. This project, also known as the ‘New York Bomber’, aims to take off from Germany and fly directly to the East Coast of the United States, returning to Germany after completing the mission.

The competing companies include Fokker Wulff, Messerschmidt, and Junkers. The plan proposed by Fokker Wulff Company is an improvement based on the FW-300 transport aircraft, namely the Ta-400 plan, Messerschmitt Company is the P-1061 project (Me-264 plan), and Junkers Company is an enlarged version of the Ju 290, Ju 390 plan, and Ju 290 is an improved version of the Ju 90. In the end, Ju 390 successfully competed and manufactured a prototype for testing.


In order to reduce design time, the Ju 390 extended the fuselage and wings of the existing Ju 290 to support long-range capabilities. In addition, the designers also inserted an engine into each wing of the Ju-290, using a total of six engines, including the BMW 801E radial piston engine. Each engine has a power output of 1700 horsepower and drives three bladed propellers. The aircraft has a large ammunition compartment, but its specific mounting capacity is unknown.

The first flight of the V1 prototype was recorded on October 20, 1943, and revealed a promising beginning for large bombers. Its testing continued until the end of the war, in 1945, and the entire project was never delivered, only remaining in the prototype testing phase. Initially, 26 Ju 390s were ordered, but the plan was cancelled in June 1944. As the war progressed and Germany’s strategic position weakened, resources and focus shifted to more urgent and pressing needs Although the Junkers Ju 390 project is large-scale, it has encountered some technical challenges and limitations that have seriously affected its development and potential operational efficiency.

It is said that the prototype crossed the Atlantic and entered US airspace, flying to a distance of 20km from New York before safely returning. But the authenticity of this matter has been questioned, and such a huge steel monster could not have gone unnoticed. But this matter can no longer be verified. Anyway, the so-called ‘New York bomber’ eventually disappeared into the long river of history and only existed as a crazy project in the photos.

In game

Ju 390 is a very huge aerial steel monster. Its wingspan reaches an astonishing 50 meters, and its range allows it to fly directly from Germany to New York. It also has a huge payload capacity and a large number of self-defense weapons. Unfortunately, it only produced a prototype, so it is recommended to add it as a Battlepass reward to the game. Suggestion BR: 7.3.


  • Crew:10
  • Engine:6 x BMW 801E radial piston engine(1700hp each)
  • Empty weight: 36900 kilograms
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 75500 kilograms
  • Maximum range: 9500 kilometers
  • Maximum speed: 505 km/h
  • Self Defense Weapons:
    8 × 20mm MG 151
    8 × 13mm MG 131
  • Wingspan: 50.30 meters
    Length: 34.20 meters
    Height: 6.89 meters



what would the bomb load be? what options for payloads choices


From the wiki article:



ABSOLUTLEY! i say yes to every german wwii planes which are not here yet

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i aint reading all that

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I would love to see it, since we have 1 prototype built and flyable, but the payload must be carefully identified for this aircraft.

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Well the bomb racks are ETC 2000 & the chart states the following:

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it’s great plane for Germany but i don’t think it’s good idea to add this for tec this would be very great premium event plane !

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We already have a high br prop premium bomber, the Ju 288. The Ju 390 would be much better as a tech tree plane.


Absolute +1.

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If GJ fixes damage model of planes that they won’t die to single 50 cal and bombers won’t die when someone looks at them funny we could have every interesting bomber like this one. But still bombers don’t have any actual use in battles. You can bomb but you won’t get much for that and overall you are a hindrance to your team.
Sad times. Still I want this beauty.

It used to be the opposite to that. All tiers had the standard 3 bases and then the airfield to destroy. This meant interceptors had a role to intercept bombers or else a well organised bomber squad could help win the match if your fighters were struggling and it was just you bombers left.

But a minority of fighter players whom were vocal seemed to have complained far too much that when they ignored bombers to do fighter v fighter combat only, the consiquences were bomber players could win a match for their team. So gaijin removed airfields as targets from around 4.0br upwards. And to stop space climbing made it so that the reward for bombing does little damage to the points compared to pillboxes that do more, therefore instantly cutting the point of bombers having been added in the first place.

This just leaves all of us bomber mains from 2014 completely exhausted and downtrodden, with no hope in sight to ever be able to see further bomber additions in the game other than those passed to suggestions, as the maps are large enough now and there are so many br brackets from 6.0-8.0 they could sit.

However unless we gain the ability to make an impact instead of just fighter v fighter duels in air rb (battles meant for all forms of players playing vehicles not just fighters), more and more of my bomber community friends will just keep leaving.

The last time we gained a good tech tree bomber was the Avro Shackleton. Otherwise it’s the He-177 A-3 in the battlepass but the He-177 still seems (from observation but I could be wrong) to have farrrr to much parasitic drag on it’s flaps at any deployment.

Hopefully we can gain bomber cockpits soon for us whom have waited since 2013/2014 for them as the developers told us back then the placeholder cockpits are placeholder, and airfield destruction comes back so teams have to actually work as teams to help defend against bombers and to assist bombers so that there are options if your fighter only force fails.

I remember good old days.

Sadly GJ isn’t interested in adding cockpits to multi engine bombers and from the look of it to some multi engine fighters also, like He 219.
Maybe from time to time we will get some but unless more players would bother GJ about bombers and cockpits, we wont see to many things.

The recent reason that was given is that it takes up too much developer time on making cockpits for bombers. HOWEVER within a few months later they gave every single Huey helicopter a full hd cockpit and back section for a first person perspective which I would argue is larger than 50% of all bomber cockpits needing to be made ingame.

its bigger than bv238?

About 10 m shorter and 10 m lesser wingspan
Only plane that we could possibly get that is bigger than BV 238 is Peacemaker iirc


oh thats a huge plane

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