Henschel Hs 293A-1 - Guided Missile Genesis

except they don’t because the Fritx X isn’t that powerful after all

most of the time in lower tier GRB guessing where a dumb bomb will land works well enough so there is no point in taking a Gigantic unmanouverable bomber to space just to maybe drop one or two bombs and have the target move too far away before it hits

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You should add the Do 217 K, Do 217 M, & Do 217 R to your poll


The BV 238 V4:

As well as the Ju 290 A-7:


It’s so slow that SPAA can probably shoot down the missile before it even gets close 😃

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The Ju 390 A-1:

The Bv 222:


It seems that gaijin got the 177 wrong as it should be an R4:


so A3 could only carry the Hs293?

Yes it seems like this is the case


can’t one of the do217s in game carry this?

Ignore the red markings as those were for a bug report:

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Any info on gouidence time and max range?

‣ Range at 2200 m altitude: 4 km
‣ Range at 4000 m altitude: 5.5 km
‣ Range at 5000 m altitude: 8.5 km
This is wikipedia bs

2.2 -11.2 miles
Where is this from TT33a?

Page 17:

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I have filed a bug report abaute the range, I can’t thank you enough for provideing the book.

now isnce the Hs293 has been added and i have played a few matches i can tell you its meh. more of a gimick rather than some game breaking addition. Of course its not useless but unless they add the Hs293-D (the one with TV contraption) i guess its going to stay a relativly balanced weapon

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I flew it in testdrive and the major problem is that the he177 ha no agility (especially the roll rate is bad) at all. A do217 would probably be much better even if it has less missles

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It also has weak stopping power. If you could decelerate better then you could let the missile go first while you stay far enough away to not be in AA range and you also dont have to look down