JGSDF Type10 Tank/10式戦車

giant crew, long neck crew or JOJO style posture crew is one of the game that you must taste





No the exceptionally expensive hyper modern MBT designed with western practices in mind as a replacement for the Type 90 of course some how has worse mobility than the Type 90, worse armor than the Type 90, and worse gun handling than the Type 90.

Despite documents from the JSDF explaining where the weight was taken out (They added weight in the form of armor, most of the weight removed was from engine, electronics, gun, and other components) thus indicating that the Type 10 had more armor with a lighter and stronger material it some how has less armor than its predecessor, with gaps in the armor that do not even make physical sense.

Despite the introduction of a very impressive and expensive CVT transmission, which it doesn’t have in-game, it some how is magically slower than its predecessor despite literal videos of it performing significantly better. Because videos aren’t evidence, comrade. Could be doctored.

The Type 10 remains a mediocre light tank with the worst protection of any MBT in the entire game. Because apparently the Japanese, according to Gaijin, are too incompetent and incapable of armoring a vehicle that is also fast.

Why? Because Russia can’t do it. Therefore Japan can’t.

I reiterate what Nnhack, (at the time) a technical moderator for Gaijin, had said about the Type 10 MBT on the old Russian side of the forums. Just so no one forgets…

"There's a hole here! So this part is spatial armor, and the Japanese engineers are incompetent!"
"The reason the Type 10 gun is lighter than the Rh120 is because they made the trunnions hollow!"
"The Japanese made a Swiss cheese tank with no prospect of any adequate upgrades. That's what I mean.
And the tank by all parameters is obviously a parade tank, and was made with the condition that no one will ever shoot at it. The same above discussed K2 - now this is a more adequate machine, though not without problems."

"I can't imagine any tank in the mountains, as it's not clear what it's supposed to do there, what to attack or defend, and most importantly how it will get there."

"They saved 5T from Type-90 by making a bunch of holes in the already leaky tank. Apparently the problem was solved drastically, right? Bridges must have been designed for exactly 45 tons, so that Type-90 could not drive, but Type-10 could. This tank smells of something."

"Yep. like almost all countries except FRG/US/russian Federation. And even that trio is not without crutches in tanks."```

Aint no way he said that, My honest reaction:


Have fun :


Literally this


It is always literally this. If they can’t do it, Japan surely cannot. Despite the fact that Japan is ranked 7th in the world in military strength, and 10th in the world by military spending.



If I am not mistaken it should be 3’rd or 4’th by military spending this year

Yeah they have been spending an specially good ammount of money this year

Are you telling me that the most expensive tank in the world (Currently) at $11.3 million dollars per unit is good?




Does this guy think older means better? I don’t know if I’m reading this wrong, but he’s arguing soviet tanks are superior because their layout hasn’t changed since the 50s…

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Not “because” but “Despite”

Seems more like they are bashing the type 10s design and claim it to have a lot of armour holes and then compare it to soviet tanks from the late 50s which dont have them. Do they even have any source’s for any of these claims? Seems like a lot of “trust me bro” and “Japaneese = bad”.


On 25.12.2021 at 20:04, Hirosava_Ui said:

The Type 90 with armor protection plays no worse than the Leopard 2A4, yet the Type 90 weighs even less than this very Leopard 2A4 (by 5 tons) while being smaller in size.

The Type 90 performs very poorly compared to the L2A4, the side protection on the hull is completely absent. This clearly shows a complete misunderstanding by the Japanese on how to properly protect MBTs.

And all this while the B variant of L2A4 is an end of the 70s development, whereas the Japanese started producing their Type 90 only in the 90s.

On 25.12.2021 at 20:04, Hirosava_Ui said:

Then it is completely unclear how the Soviets have strong points even without contact.

The Soviets have an armor surface area comparable to the Type-10, but due to significantly more rational composition of Soviet tanks, there are no ballistic gaps; 2/3 of the tank and the turret are protected from side angles. And this is despite the fact that all serial Soviet tanks have a composition from the late 50s that hasn’t changed since the Object 430.

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It pretty much is. These comments need to be made more publicly known. Perhaps a little public outcry will go a long way.


Is that guy still around these days?

There might be something lost in translation, but I think his reasoning was that soviet 50s tanks were designed so well, that they didn’t need to change much for all these years.

In fact, as we can see in the X-ray, the trunnions are empty, so gaijin agrees with him.

Pretty sure he works for Gaijin. It’s possible that he even specifically worked on the Type 10.

The giveaway for me were the hull armor gaps for “tension mechanisms” that NNHack stated would be an issue of the tank and are found in game, while the real tank had the tension mechanisms placed externally.


Type 10 was required to be smaller and lighter with the same or better performance than Type 90. This was achieved by optimizing materials and structure.
In fact, while the Type 10AP is almost the same weight and size as the DM33, its initial velocity and penetrating power have been greatly improved. The barrel also withstands the high pressure not available in the Rh120 and weighs about 10% less.

But it’s hard to change their opinion. Because they don’t spend time and money on minor nations.