JGSDF Type10 Tank/10式戦車

With the M1 and all its variants going from 6 seconds to 5 seconds reload in update, that puts it very close to Japan’s autoloader speed in-game right now and with the known data of the autoloader on the Type 10 being 3.1 to 3.3 seconds (honorary mention of the Type 90 also being around 3.5 seconds), can we see these tanks getting their correct reload now that the competition is much closer in lethality in addition to the protection buff for almost every nation’s tier 8s this past major update?


I think the coolest and most iconic thing about the Type 10 is how fast it can reload alongside being able to adjust the hydropneumatic on the move.

If the Type 10 got its historical reload and features moving forward, I would be ecstatic! I don’t see the JGSDF ever releasing documents indicating the Type 10 has a spall liner so maybe Gaijin can throw us a bone and at least give us that…


It honestly would already be great of they buff the ready rack replenish time


My thoughts exactly. Bring fourth the Emergency Rapid Fire feature.

iirc the ready rack loading taking so long was because they said that to get a round from the hull to the breach is somewhere around 30 seconds. However, it should be like how ready rack loading is on other vehicles where you put the shell into the breach instead of putting it into the autoloader first then gotta wait for the autoloader to load the shell which makes this a 34 second process instead of 30.

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Perople bring/need more than 15 shells?

If you play by staying somewhere behind cover far away(like it is supposed to used by jgsdf) 15 rounds ends very quickly and is not enough

its nice to carry 4-7 shells in the hull that way if your autoloader ammo gets shot, you can still recover some without going to a capture point

With how small the ready rack is and how fast it reloads I usually take ~17 shells, its also useful when a round penetrates the turret and blows up all my turret ammo, yes its a risk when people shoot my hull but the fuel tank does a good job at tanking spall.

About 20 or 21 shells does it for me with maybe 3 HEAT rounds just in case. If they hit my ammo on the rear of turret and blow out panel starts, i can recover my remaining rounds from the hull and try to survive that fight till I reach the cap zone. Many games I almost ran out of shells with having 3+ left. Having a total of 15 too tiny for me and ends quick.

I was watching the Fuji Firepower Exercise 2019 produced by WOLFWORK on a video streaming service and there was a part where the turret was turning about 270 degrees in about 6 seconds, albeit with a slight right turn.

Gaijin wont accept movement speed buffs if it comes from videos sadly.

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I bring 22. 7 rounds in the hull but it’s low enough that nobody will hit it unless I’ve exposed my entire tank and they’re specifically aiming that low for it, which well, you’re probably dead otherwise anyway. I’ve also found it’s the sweet spot for ammo before the flank is won and I can J out.

Mostly this allows me some early shots as the optics lend itself really well for sniping but the reload speed lets you unknowingly eat up ammo fast.

That and it allows you to stay in the fight should your ammo get detonated from a side shot. Multiple times I’ve survived getting ammo racked and the 7 extra shells lets me stay in the fight enough to get to cap and re-arm.

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I carry 15 shells, but used to carry 14.

Doesn’t usually cause me much trouble.

Well, I’m just trying to raise the possibility as much as possible.

Type10&16 need turret speed buff ;;

It is very strange that Leopard 2 still adopts the maximum speed of stabilizers, but not the maximum speed of Type 10 stabilizers.


Also the type 16 manouvering it’s extremely underwhelming compared to real life ive seen the type 16 turn 3 times faster than what it does now and lets not Even talk about acceleration

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Type 16 should have 12 forward gears in the game, but only 5.

the thing is we need somekind of turret rotation report or something.
gaijin does not accept video as evidence for timed stuff, like acceleration or rotation.
we pretty much know it can go much faster than 30°/s since there’s a report said >30°/s, but since it’s gaijin they just take what they belived and run away with it.

just like the Leopard 2 turret rotation that limited to 30°/s for the gunner, the motor can do 40°/s.
but hey japan is inferior in tank making AMARITE!


(yes i am still salty about the russian staff/empoyee who said only US/GER/USSR can make good tank, and yes i am still salty other tank got preferential treatment for their turret rotation)


Wait…they said that???