JGSDF Discussion Page

I was reading the datamine github and looked at the changes coming in version and the Type 87 AW is getting IRST tracking capability.


Interesting not sure how that will benefit but cool nevertheless

Y’know that’s actually pretty nice. Been waiting for a while for that to be added to the game.

IRST is actually a pretty big upgrade in it’s capabilities. Not only does it allow for the ability to track without the radar being active, thus allowing you to engage targets without them knowing where you even are, it most importantly isn’t affected by ground clutter meaning that you can accurately engage low flying targets.


Also enemy wont get a tracking RWR ping as well

Seems it was added Update - Updates - Game - War Thunder

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It is not IRST, but TV tracker, the same as SIDAM’s one. It can’t lock targets at night in compare with IRST of other SPAA but other features are the same



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In the issue of Type 81C, there were not three people because “one person was not seated”, but in fact there is a seat.
The video shows a Type 11, but it is the same Izuzu truck.

国内唯一の短距離ミサイル『短SAM』発射訓練場をテレビ初撮影(2022年8月28日) youtube


You answer your question, a crew member has to open the breeches, then get a shell or 2 passed from 1 crew member to the other, then load them in, close the breech, and get back into the vehicle after double checking incase of failures.

I arrived very late to the party about STA4 but I have some information that I feel it would be nice to share, so anyway I have this old tank magazine from Japan which goes into detail about the development of the Type 61:

and it has a section dedicated to describe each prototype and requirement by the JGSDF that led to the development of the final design:

but the whole point of my response is to ask if anyone knows about the information of these charts which has information about the STA4 and Type 61 engine performance:

so my question is about, does this slight difference in performance is something considerable in order to introduce it to WT as the last prototype of the Type 61? or the information is wrong and it had the same performance as the regular Type 61, I couldn’t find info about this so that’s why I post it here because I know there’s people here who can provide more feedback


Type 99 SPH coming


In Russian stream was showed the spall liner as new part of armor.
Do somebody knows what Japanese vehicles had spall liner?

I found only something for WW2 vehicles like Chi-Ha and etc


Only Russian vehicles get theirs modelled. All Nato MBTs have them but none got them modelled.

That’s why I really want to see some information about it.
Especially Japanese vehicles is interesting

That will me unfair advantage against glorious soviet vehicles

Can’t wait for this beauty


Type 89 and Type 99 should use the same transmission, but the Type 89 has 9 forward and 4 backward gears, while the Type 99 has 8 forward and 2 backward gears. This is very strange.



I missed the dev stream :(

Apparently the optical seeker mode has been nerf can see flares now or something.

Bruh. Ain’t the whole point of optical mode to avoid seeing them or something?