JGSDF Discussion Page

TK-X covered entirely in camouflage net.


Night fighting equipment prototyped for Type 61 in 1968.

Adopted as Type 69 aiming night vision device (presumably in 1969 as the name suggested) and standardized on Type 61 B-type.



I noticed a disparity between barrel damage models of the Type 10 variants and made a bug report


So it wasnt me being schizo

Can you find any information about a experimental apfsds round be developed for type61?Just find a Japanese website mentions that.

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This BR changes is a bonker.
They’re completely prioritzed on destroying the Japanese line ups especially pushing the MCV to 9.7, i would like Gaijin to point me more ground vehicles at 9.7 that i can make a lineup with ?

And the type 87 RCV going up yet again for absolute no reason, at 9.0 ?!? This thing has no gun stabilzer, no thermal, no range finder with 10mm thick armor and less than 100mm penetration at point blank ?
How is this thing an equivalent to the VBC pt2 which has stabilzed gun, laser warning reciever, laser range finder and even thermal ! HOW ? And that is not to mention the proper MBTs that offer you more than meming in the RCV.

Ofc the beating of Type 89 corpse continued.
I like how they kept up BR these vehicles but not giving any buffs to compensate. The Type 16 P and FPS are now 9.3 but still missing the Type 93 APFSDS.
The Type 89 IFV get nothing new, if it recieves 35mm APFSDS then noone would having problem with it being 9.0, but nah.
The Type 87 RCV should get its radar, eventhough it would still be completely fine at 8.7.
Type 16 could use more powerful rounds like DM63 since its gun is NATO-compatible now that it will be facing 10.7.


the type 87 RCV getting to 9.0 its an absolute and insane joke it has nothing to fight mbt’s at that BR its noticeable the lack of thinking behind this br change they just wanted to even out every tech tree and thanks to that the type 89 and type 87 RCV are going to br’s where they just cant do anything the missiles of the type 89 have become completely unreliable and the gun its good and all but we already know what happens to tanks only dependant on 1 autocannon, either they have very good damage and pen or they get missiles that are actually usable


If the Type 16 is going to be 9.7, main gun needs to be faster loading speed.


Gentlemen I bring good news


our prayers have finally been answered

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Looked like it was firing the lightwave missiles, so it remains to be seen if it will get the ARH missiles… But still a very, VERY welcome addition.

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Am i crazy or is that 2 reloads on each side giving us a total of 8 missiles?

Think you might be right… A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

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Gajin: this SAM has two reloads making it total of 6 missiles which is less then we need how do we fix it?
Some employe: “slaps two more boxes on top of the the two” refuses to elaborate further

IR missiles in the teaser


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yeah ir missiles

this ones are the radar guided

Well theoreticly the radar missiles could be modification. On that note are there any ARH missiles in wt rn?