My Sea Harrier FRS.1 should not have to go toe to toe with IRCCM equipped jets. Nor any other jet that’s at the 10.3 to 11.3 BR range.
The SU-39 and the gang should be 12.7 at the LEAST so that they can not see earlier jets that have no ability to fight back.
15.0 should be the new top tier to compensate.
10.3-11.3 should be all aspect slingers with IRCCM jets starting at 12.7 so they can never see each other.
Not a Harrier and the R-73 is near un-flarable.
Its literally an IRCCM missile same as 9M but it has more pull.
I should not have to face it as early as 10.3.
Harrier burns very hot…
The flares do not deter the missile.
no its not lol.
Have not been able to flare it once after it being fired at me.
If you leave it too late, then like the Magic II’s, the IRCCM will resist flares. But in a headon, you just preflare so it never gets to that point.
So with my 20 flares you expect me to be pre-flaring enough to flare it before launch.
Not only that but the SU-39 has IR jammers at the back so most IR shots are useless.
Any competent SU-39 player can get 2 free kills per flyout with 0 effort.
All you have to do is launch a little closer and the IR missiles burn straight through the jamming
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sometimes yes.
But its a 50/50 at best lol.
He’s a russian main it’s pointless arguing
I like how people try to find a “gotcha” in what nations you play, even though I play all of them.
March 23, 2025, 12:17pm
Why is no one talking about the A-10C with four AIM-9Ms at the same BR?
Not really I have fired enough 9L at them to know lol.
Also on the first hit I was pre flaring
I was a bit frustrated I had 9 kills to 0 deaths until the little death claw came in the game. I have no issues out maneuvering SU-39 and SU-25 but how do you defend against a missile that has like a 99% chance of hitting you?