JAS39C Swedish model Technical Overview

I havent used bombs ive been grinding with just A2A missiles so big rip for people who bomb

That’s me…

Big sadge

Was planning to equip 2 Aim-9M and 9L with 2 1K LBS bombs so i could utilize both BOL pods and extra sidewinders but apperently fun isnt allowed.

Funny thing is if you equip bombs with stock sidewinders customazions shows that you can select BOL pods.


@Smin1080p Can you check this report and forward it if its possible?

ahhh I see what you mean.

Couldn’t repeat this one on the dev server, I’d suggest deleting the loadout and remaking it.

Tried multiple times but still occurs.

Note, this happens when you try to bring Aim-9L+Aim-9M and 1000LBS bomb Loadout.

Need to attach a screenshot of your loadout then because I tried the variations and I couldn’t repeat it.

And a screenshot of your modifications unlock page too.

Just logged in, looks like loadout is working properly?

Im quite confused, how can this happen in the first place?

Anyway you can close the bug report, it seems reopening the game fixed the issue.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Glad its working though, normally deleting loadouts helps with these kind of issues.

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I tried multiple times and gave up eventually, anyway im glad issue is solved.

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@Gunjob I found a new bug.

Apprently if you equip 4 AGM65G’s there is a visual bug where extra countermeasures on left rail doesnt appear, however this bug doesnt occur on other Maverick models.

Since its just a visual bug, should we report it?

Bug is a Bug

Yes needs reporting.

