JAS39C Swedish model Technical Overview

Worthless 3km tracking since its an AGM 65A, outside of the AJ37 which it doesnt have have in game.


Wrote this yesterday. Not very well written. But I was grumpy.

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T for Tung. Not T for Thermal.

Tung just means chonk warhead.

It also just says TV not IR had he bothered to read

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That’s in the dev server area, so will probably go away at some point.

Yeh, i know :)

edited my old post for clarity.

They have already confirmed AGM-65G for Swedish Gripen C but the decision came quite late into DEV server so they didn’t have time to add it.
It has now been confirmed to be coming in a minor update later.

Regardless it was a poor choice to not immediately add it at the same time the SAAF gripen had access to them.

Quite frankly, I don’t trust them to do it without chasing it up. If they can get away with shafting minor nations, they will.

Is it just me or is the gripen C interior in English?


Yes, as it should be. The C version is the international version so everything is in English. Even in the Swedish used ones.

here is a 360 degree video from the cockpit, note the Swedish patch on the pilots left arm.

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Honestly, not convinced AGM 65G is coming.

Pretty easy to resolve, but they haven’t.

Look it clearly is very hard to copy paste things over now you wait your turn


@Fluffy_Bucketles @Pheonix_RX01 @Necronomica

AGM-65G is here boys.

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So i had RB75 researched now i dont have access to it and my rp went nowhere what the hell lol

AMG-65G came as a indiviual module, you need to grind seperetaly.

Inknow im just saying i would like to know where the RP spent on the RB 75 went (the snail void lol)

Great, apperently you cant use BOL pods on your sidewinders if you equip bombs, amazing…