JAS39C Swedish model Technical Overview

Last question since this relates to the CAS, can we expect Denmark or potentially Norway to fill these roles (this is a hypothetical) or is it more likely they will go to another nation rather than sweden. They are the only nations i can think of that can fill that role as both sweden and Finland lack options.

Yet both the Rafale and Eurofighter have their specific models. Rafale C F3-R and EF-2000 Typgoon (Block 10 T2). These are just about the same as the Swedish MS.

Both Denmark and Norway are already present within the Swedish tree in the form of some vehicles. But at this moment, we don’t have any others to speak of currently.


This was relevant for there implementation and variant designation.

Both nations aren’t confirmed for the TT, yet sweden has no other options for assistance with CAS as Finland treaty prevented them from having CAS, so realistically there isn’t other options which is why i ask. Since if Denmark or Norway go to other nations then there is no option to fill those holes. Unless the plan is for them to just never be filled.

I know they have vehicles (in Norways case) but Denmark has one vehicle and it seems unlikely that Gaijin would add Denmark to sweden so thats why i was asking, again since they aren’t confirmed it seems unlikely that sweden will have those holes filled. Especially as sweden lacks a single 5.X (airwise and sweden has one of the shortest air trees in warthunder even with Finland.) vehicle of which Denmark or Norway could fill. I dont see any other nations being able to fill those rolls without them having no ties to each other whatsoever.

I only ask this as Finland as a subtree nation failed to fill any actual gaps in the air tree, we had fighters where they did so again its why i ask. (Or in some a lot of cases add the exact same vehicle to the TT with no difference aside from ordinance…)

Is it more likely we will see Norway and Denmark split amongst other nations if thats the case? Or is it still unknown as to whether they will go to a particular nation as of now.

How is that not the case for Sweden? I see no difference here. Why make the Gripen an amalgamation of different variants? In either case centreline bomb and better radar should both be added.

Below is a link to the SAAF JAS-39 post with pictures of the Thai airforce carrying guided boombs on the centreline if the SAAB Packing Iron PDF weren’t enough.

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I agree, all nations with a gripen have some other top tier ARH slinger so why leave the swedish gripen without even slight upgrades, of course the other gripens should get them but considering sweden has only the Gripen C to fall on it makes more sense to add the radar it historically had when the C was produced.

Regardless id rather see whether Norway and Denmark are going to be exclusive to sweden. If they aren’t sweden air is dead. No other nations can be added to sweden and considering the state of their air tree they need both to have meaningful additions to help the lower BR’s and upper BR’s. Seeing CAS and CAP fighters for 5.X would be a nice addition also Norwegian T 2 skin when?

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While you are poking in this thread, any update on these reports for the Swedish JAS39C? :)

1: (Community Bug Reporting System) (ESTL pod)
2: (Community Bug Reporting System) (Radar upgrades)
3: (Community Bug Reporting System) (GBU-49)
4: (Community Bug Reporting System) (Center pylon loadout)


Oh no, you’ll scare him away with so many reports lol

Also is that the same center pylon bug i asked about? Edit: yeah it is

Welp, time to play another match in my EBR and see if hes responded. Still nothing? Hmm, guess ill do a few more

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Doesn’t seem to be any updates to report on them currently.

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That is highly unfortunate

Btw could we expect F 35/A35XDby chance as a CAS option. (More so asking if that is likely since its the only foreign CAS option available that could fill a gap.)

Totally not biased opinion since its Danish…but still not a confirmed nation so no idea if i should cross my fingers.

Also thanks for the heads up on the reports, guess ill ping again in like 3 months if nothing happens with them, im hoping they’ll be implemented sooner rather than later.

Which is a shame that the only CV9035 model is locked up behind paywall.

Gaijin could’ve added CV9035 MK IV instead of 30mm version but i guess Sweden cant recieve good stuff…

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MKIIIC that Sweden actually ordered would be even better. 35mm, Akeron MP, Iron Fist APS and independent commander sight. Less power and armor than the MKIV but since they mostly face tanks anyways I doubt the difference would be major. I don’t yet have the MKIV in game but I doubt it has more armor in any way resembling the just about 10 metric tonnes weight difference (30% increase). Where has that weight gone? Engine I doubt weighs that much more, not the missiles either since the 9040 BILL weighs only about 24t.

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While the Gripen C hasn’t carried it to my knowledge it would have been capable of carrying the BK M90. As well as the Gripen A and the late AJS Vigg.

I got the Mk IV and i can tell it has less protection than STRF series while bein heavier.

Also funny thing is despite bein 30mm version it carries less ammunition than CV9030FIN, it carries exactly 234 rounds which makes me believe that Gaijin was going go to make it 35 model but changed their plans.

If it had 35mm it would’ve been one of the best if not the best ifv in this game.

that is insane, also just realized that I had replied to this and thought it was the CV90 MKIV topic but it is still the JAS 39 one so if we are to further this conversation I guess we should move it there


@Smin1080p_WT sorry for the ping but this is probably a question others have had but considering Gaijins stance on the C can we expect that the Gripen E will be the last vehicle? So essentially maybe Finnish F-35 and F18 maybe.

Considering it seems the C will continue to get upgraded with new missiles alongside all the other gripens. I dont know if you’re able to answer the question but it very much seems gaijin has no plans to expand the air tree top tier considering how its been handled the past 2 years.

Additionally with the stance that all gripens are the same can we expect a gap between the A and C and for no vehicles to take its place?

So in terms of capabilities, how does the Gripen E stack up with the Rafale and Typhoon?

I know the C variant lacks in the amount of missiles it can carry and the engine thrust, but the E seems to remedy some of this by enabling it to carry 7x Meteor missiles and 2 x Iris-T.

That’s 9 Missiles compared to the Eurofighters 10 and Rafale’s 8, although the Eurofighter can only carry 8 missiles when bringing 6 BVRAAM.

Is the improvement in thrust noticable? Because right now it seems the Gripen will be severely outmatched in the power department, this isn’t really suprising given it’s smaller class but I’d be interested if anyone has any info on climb rate etc.

Also, holy hell the cockpit of the E looks amazing.

Gripen E and NG only carry 8 missiles iirc

Edit: was wrong about missile load my bad.

Also the Gripen E thrust should bring it up over the .97 the C has, i dont have the exact figure but the current C models are all still A models as none of the C’s even use a radar used in the C. The C carried the PS0/5A MK.II when the MS18 was added. With the addition of GBU-39 they should buff the radar to PS0/5A MK.IV

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