SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

How can it be ensured there wasn’t some level of corruption in the MoD that altered the statistics so they can get some more money?

I may be coping but this bug report is really unnecessary


It would be nice to get some information from the devs or any community manager, perhaps Smin, to see if anything is being worked on or how the discussion goes nowadays.

Oh that is messed up. Like it hasn’t been nerfed enough already.

can you link the comment? would be nice to read their initial reaction and if i can comment on it to see if attention comes back up

It would be quite strange if they proceeded with that nerf without having more official documentation

Starts here.

My comment that I just talked about that got no answer.

Funny how I linked some pictures from this thread and now am linking that thread here 😂


Not really gaijin has nerfed vehicles without information before. Cough cough FW 190 hugh alt engine temp

Eh just another reason to avoid sweden air. Beyond garbage aircraft throughout the entire TT once this change goes through lol.

Also it would be literal clown balancing to use the C to base the Flight performance of the NG/E considering the size difference. Additionally the NG has a rear wing extension so even nore strange for them to do it. Realistically this is one British report so personally id hope gaijin doesn’t make the snooth brain decision to accept it withour other similar reports.

It’s understandable. The Gripen is a UFO, not as much as the Eurofighter is but still. If it’s preforming this well right now I can only imagine what would happen when the Gripen E shows up since it actually has above 1:1 T/W. Think of that like what would have happened if the F-111F showed up back when the Aardvark model was absolutely cracked… would have been a better dog fighter than the tomcats, and maybe best all around ingame if you could get enemies into ratefights lol.

Point being, just wait for the Gripen E I guess, the Gripen A/C have been clearly overpreforming for quite some time now, so it only makes sense for this change to finally occur.

What would you consider to be overperforming? I dont see it.

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A small Delta/Canard aircraft with a less than 1:1 T/W flying like it is right now isn’t exactly very believable to me, in regard to physics. Sure it has Canards, but that just adds to the AOA at a cost of speed bleed.

Problem is only Sweden is stuck with the Gripen and at 13.7 the gripen was already terrible for thr Fox 3 environment. This just hurts people who would choose sweden considering theres like 3 usable aircraft and the rest are overtiered trash. Nerfing the gripen again because its a UFO is hilarious when we even look at the Rafale of EFT in comparison. Though seems gaijins finally getting around to the EFT (now just fix the captor M i beg)

Telling people to wait for Gripen E is a actual noob take no offense but balance isn’t your strong point.

T/W ratio only becomes less than 1:1 when it’s equipped with full combat load including external tanks, not to mention Gripen has one of the lowest drag ratio compare to other delta canards which gives pretty unique flight characteristics.

I don’t think it’s overpeforming by any means.

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No it is in stability. All foward canard aircraft should have higher AOA at the cost of being unstable the problem is the Dagor engine can’t model that.

Just about every plane in the game has some overperformance. Thing is that the Gripen is one of few fighters that doesn’t totally lock you to 9G for example, there is a soft lock but if you can pull harder to get 12G irl. today most fighters in top tier can easily pull 11-12G. You can even make the brick of a Phantom pull 10-11G. So according to the roughly 1.5x increase of structural limit that Gaijin has implemented the 18G the Gripen pulled in the first Dev Servers were accruate XD.

For the T/W argument, being just under or just over 1 (as it is about 0.97:1 iirc with Gross weight so with fuel and I think 2 AIM-9 and maybe 2 AIM-120). And it will change depending on speed and altitude so it can go from just under to just above 1:1 and that makes very little difference. From what I undersand the 39E will have a T/W of about 1.2:1.

The Gripen also has incredibly low drag compared to basically everything else out there and it is very light which makes up for the lossed thrust. The canards are also the biggest if you look at the ratio of them compared to the rest of the wing area which makes them more powerfull so to say but using all that will bleed a lot of speed but it should have incredible nose authority.


Gripen E should have similar, maybe slightly better kinematics than Gripen C. It got more thrust, which I think will help with BVR stuff, however is also quite a bit heavier. Empty weight Gripen C and Gripen E has almost the same TWR.

What? How did you come to the conclusion that the E has the same TWR as the C?

The 39E definitely has higher T/W than the 93C

It also has greatly improved wing area so the wing loading (basically a rough estimate of how efficient the airframe is in generating lift) is actually lower which is better even though it is heavier both empty and max takeoff.

Gripen E:
Thrust 98kN
Empty weight: 8.000kg
TWR: 1.22

Gripen C:
Thrust 80.5kN
Empty weight: 6.700kg
TWR: 1.20

I believe it was someone at SAAB actually that said this too (I’m paraphrasing):