If a plane is compatible with one version, it is with all.
Again, i need more than that, sorry
I need specific evidence of AGM 65G or higher on MS19 models not MS20
Would you be so kind as to explain the MS?
Sadly my knowledge is limited, so i have no idea how to diffirentiate MS19 from MS20 or any other.
MS stands for Materielsystem (material system idk) and it is basically the same thing as F16 block variations. MS17 is the first Gripen. And in service now is MS20, it is basically upgrade packages
My bug report has most of the changes brought in with the MS series but again info on them is very tedious to find.
This is the current bug report. Again I have no intention of nerfing for the sake of nerfing, this is for the sake of having the gripens be accurate and it seems too many people have taken advantage of gaijin not being familiar with the MS series. If things need to be changed such as evidence for the AGM 65G being mounted on MS19 models i will change it.
But why start at 17?
This has been proven to be tested, but never used in service, was still added for balance.
As far as i know the only thing we have from the MS20 is the GBU-39.
I don’t think you need to worry about gripens of different countries getting upgrades they never had. The reason for not locking it to a specific MS currently is likely because they basically can’t. once they introduce a lot more features to the game then they possibly can. The non specific MS isn’t an open door for anything to be added, its just a way to be able to have any reason at all in the current state of the game.
totally agree, but will likely not be possible for quite some time.
I feel people got confused bout the Gripen C being different because gaijin gave SAAF the gripen C first so people mainly use that forum to discuss the gripen and end up using models of the C SAAF doesnt have to buff all gripens when discussing them. Again SAAF only has up to the MS19, Sweden is the only nation iirc to use the MS21 so it would be best for the long term for people to use this forum or to understand what MS models each nations runs so that this type of event doesnt happen again.
The A/C and MS overlap a bit between MS17/18. MS17 entered service in 2004 but 39C entered service in 2002
I will trust you for the AGM 65, you are very familiar with them (no offense to anyone else) so i will remove them from the bug report. But i think we need to make another bug report and actually get confirmation from gaijin. We do not need every gripen nation having vehicles with upgrades or items they cant use when other vehicles have the same restrictions.
Also technically, even having the ability tonuse GBU-39 would fall under inproved CAS avionics as that was part of the upgrade iirc (meaningless gameplay wise though)
I guess because of internal designations at SAAB in the prototype stages. That is my guess at least
The MS is the Swedish militaries designation for what they have upgraded with.
I think it’s because it started already with the Viggens but i’m not at all sure here, it’s just a wild guess.
The Viggens were not called MS from what I’ve found, I think they were called ED (Editionsändringar) but I am not certain
Welp denied since the Saaf gripen cant be confirmed as a specifc model despite plenty of evidence idk anymore, why even have unique gripens or sweden when i can get every gripen model by stating its a C model.
Guess i should just bug report the SAAF and Hungarian gripen as missing the MS21 features since they are a C model and get all the upgrades we didnt buy. Again i dont get the logic of why MS can be whatver gaijin wants but them the Blocks dont get that treatment.