JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

I stated if we got denied id start working on this list. And so here we are.

We’ve yet to completely assert that we are facing a brickwall in this regard, but I won’t stop you. Fair’s fair.

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Finally! sweet!

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Now we just need the rest of it, and we might have something almost resembling a real Gripen.

Itll be for Britain and hungary first, just like how gaijin. Will add gripen E for hungary further making sweden air more useless

Give Gripen C to Italy before Sweden-Checked

Give better Mavericks to other Gripen users but not Sweden-Checked

Give Ahistorical loadout to SAAF Gripen but not Swedish Gripen C-Checked


Dont forget to report Aim-9M and R-Darter.

SAAF Gripen never used them as well.

I will but they will probably deny them for BaLaNcInG

Apperently they need concrete evidence that shows SAAF Gripen did carry Aim-9M and R-Darter in active service, otherwise those armaments should be removed.

To be fair Darter was added with the knowledge that the SAAF gripen C received upgrades to mount them but never fired them. This was mentioned during the very first test of ARH

R-Darter was retired before SAAF Gripen entered the service so there is no way it did carry them during active service.

@Gunjob do you have any knowledge of why the SAAF gripen was allowed to get AGM 65G despite clearly never using it? I can understand the 9m and darter being allowed for balance purposes but this addition is clearly just there to further more devalue the swedish air tree with yet another poorly implemented swedish gripen.

It was like a single protype cause ive seen an image of it with them mounted, ill have to look

I know what you’re talking about and i saw that prototype as well, the thing is none of those Gripen’s did carry R-Darter during active service.

Its up to you whether you’re gonna report the situation or not, im just saying.

Oh i am. I was willing to let this shit slide for a while but sweden air has been kneecapped over the past few updates from shit choices, late implementation, clear bias or just being bad choices and fm nerf after fm nerf

Fair enough, cant blame ya.

It seems that the current SAAF gripen is using weapony that was taken from Saab’s preview of what the gripen can mount and then just given to britain. Ill make the bug report here in a bit but as it currently stands the gripen in game is an amalgamation of what SAAF has plus some things added that were taken from the brochure and clearly never used on the SAAF gripen

Hey guys.

We currently plan to issue AGM-65G to the Swedish Gripen C as well.


I know you are just the messenger and no need to shoot the messanger and all so i appreciate you telling us this but are you able to answer why they were given the missiles first? Not to mention agm65B and A for their gripen when it was originally added as that seems to be ahistorical as well.