JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

Thanks for clarifying

The swedish Gripen C should definitely get the AGM-65G for balance then

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I know i keep tagging you but can you please come and give us a explanation?

Willing to wager the explanation will be a bunch of corporate disarming jargon that ends up just saying “The triage staff made the call regarding the bug and I can’t do anything about it in spite of the blatant double standards”.

Not particularly enthused by their current way of addressing anything at all with regard to Swedish air, seems it needs to result in a club to the knee caps for Swedish efficacy in order to be actioned.

Edit, i was wrong

While searching i just found an image of the RB75 on a pilon with BOL mounted at the same time:
Robot - Flygvapenmuseum / DigitaltMuseum

Flygplan - Flygvapenmuseum / DigitaltMuseum


I’d report that, it would be mighty convenient for that to be the case.

You sure that’s a BOL? Kind of looks like it by the shape near the rear but those side-intake things aren’t there?

i’m still franticly searching XD
it looks like BOL at first glance but its VERY hard to tell if it actually is as they look almost the same as regular mounting rails.

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It kind of looks like BOL but with the chaff/flare canister removed with it covered up but idk
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 17.09.04

I did see a few photos of supposedly BOL rails that are missing the funny end bits, but also can’t find them now?

I sadly don’t think it is a BOL.
the BOL looks a little bit differrent:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 17.10.23
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 17.10.41

Yeah the BOL seems to have non-flat sides.
the RB75 rail is totally square.
i did however find this:

Isn’t that a AGM-65 without the TV seeker? the fins also look different from the AGM-65A/B

Training. You can see it has blue stripe. It has no seeker, nor explosive nor motor inside.

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Still wanna hear their reasons tho.

This got added. Pretty handy. No more stupid green circle. It wasn’t there last time I checked, I could be late to the party though.


They did acknowledge Necronomica’s MAW and BOL post 5 months agao maybe we could see them added but i highly doubt it. Forever acknowledged and never implemented.

Im currently gathering some info on the loadouts of the SAAF grip to have its agms removed if anyone has anything pls do dm me. Hopefully this bug report will be done by tomorrow or Sunday.

Not much point in getting them removed until we have confirmation that they absolutely aren’t giving us the AGMs. And if you are going to put in a report for that, might as well hit the ARHs whilst you’re at it. The SAAF Gripen didn’t carry ARHs.

Find AGM 65G on their list