JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

Im not sure I understand the question?

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Looking at their current used weapons and trying to find documents for SAAF use of AGM 65A and B. It appears as though they received those AGM’s as a mistake as the SAAB brochure shows those missiles being available to mount. I just wanted to know whether it was a mistake that they got them or a choice from the devs to make the JAS39A.

AGM-65A/B/D/G are integrated with Gripen C. So they are open to consideration to add.


Great news! :D

Thanks for taking our feedback seriously and introducing AGM-65G, previous answer made us quite mad but this change is amazing.

i think he’s a bit sour from before when this exact question got denied on the issues site.

So just to let it be set for the record here. As long as they can be mounted to the vehicle we can ask for them? Then may i ask why britain was first to receive them without mentioning sweden would be getting it? Seems like something youd want to mention before casuing an uproar. The swedish jas39C was already worse on arrival to the dev server because it wasn’t on par with the other gripens for CAS.

The report was only denied as a suggestion as the material was generally not quite specific. But there are other materials available that confirm the integration with Gripen C. So that will be used.

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Sour is a word i would use lol

We have information they could be mounted on Gripen C, not A.

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For that i was mainly asking about the swed gripen C on dev server my bad if my english is shit lmao

Vehicles on the dev server can still have tweaks to their loadouts right up to release. As you can see from the last few days, new loadouts and configurations have been added to many vehicles that were both planned or from feedback.

I think official SAAB brochure was quite clear but i’ll accept this one as well.

Now if we spoke Portuguese or Spainish im way better at communicating though more native tongue.

Also last major questions from me. Then ill stop pestering you, is MAW’s being looked at for other top tier jets like the gripen C as it has that upgrade additionally with the introduction of RB75T will they be given to JAS39A and to the AJ37 and AJS37? You dont have to answer if this is not allowed to be talked about.

Any word on the MAWS, cockpit displays and radar updates for version C?

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Acho que nós o assustamos lol, but yeah he’s probably off to deal with other people pinging him.

Well at least we managed to solve one of the biggest issue and thats something.

Next one should be MAW i believe.

Heres hoping that with the extended dev server and with Necronomica’s report being acknowledged 5 months ago it may be added.

MAW and radar. i feel like radar will matter way more with the fox-3’s coming.