JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

Well, here are

but thats Gripen E

Well both models are authorised to use, but i guess Gaijin will refuse to add.

Well… this thread blew up while i was sleeping XD

Will Edit and update main post to better clarify some things!

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Gripen enjoyers are always here :)

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and/or a late C version if this one becomes an early version (2002 version vs MS20 upgrades)

still being valid doesn’t take away from the fact that JAS39C would benefit from a Litening III pod.

sort of, there is a built in “auto level near ground” in settings, should not be that hard to make a GCAS out of that code.

MAW should be on by default, Slave CM to MAW should be implemented exactly like the periodic countermeasures where you key bind to turn on/off.

Sadly this is a scale model in Czech republic (SAAB JAS 39E Gripen : Sweden (SWE))

Here is the Swedish defence force’s own announcement about the GBU39B. (https://www.fmv.se/projekt/jas-39-gripen/kontinuerlig-utveckling/)
Screenshot 2024-06-05 140145

Images of JAS39C with GBU39/B


The New Swedish Gripen C has the correct cockpit but not the correct screens. can’t comment on the other C variants.

i made a reports on the radar A2G mode 6 months ago and @Gunjob sent it as suggestions. (Community Bug Reporting System)

This has also been reported by me at the same time as A2G mode (Community Bug Reporting System)

I was wrong so hid this.

and IIRC there was something in the dev stream about MAW coming to one of the new jets, will link here [] if i find it later.
Edit: wrong.

I’m gathering info on the PS-05A and its mk.3 and mk.4 upgrades and am preparing to make a report on it as a suggestion for gripen C. The current version in game on JAS39A is IIRC a copy of the vixen radar so effectively a PS-05A mk.1 but i’m unsure and @Gunjob would have to correct me here.

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Yes it is a C&P of BV

Ah ok, so its missing A LOT of upgrades then x)

I have this (and some more minor things) so far:
Screenshot 2024-06-02 233535
Screenshot 2024-06-02 233422

A2G modes are planned to come at the same time for all airframes as far as I know. Regarding the MIG-21Bison having A2G I think thats largely as the radar is copied from the SU-39 and then adjusted to match the Kopyo-21 for the Bison.


That’s correct, the Blue Vixen is the basis for the PS-05A in game, if you have source materials of improved versions you’re welcome to report it.

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Thanks for answering so fast!
I have some second hand sources and some first hand from SAAB but i can’t remember exactly what source states what.
But i’m gathering up and am preparing to make a report on the Radar.
i know the JAS39A got up to version mk.2 and JAS39C started with mk.2 but got a mk.3 radar in 2005 and a mk.4 radar in either 2016 or 2022 (unclear at the moment).

Will ping you with the report when its made later in the week :)

Yes and please, I want all this when I finally unlock it; just got the JA37C yesterday, but can’t buy it T_T

The new jet with maws is the j11a but they just modeled the sensors on it and didn’t actually give it maws.

From this it seems like we have evidence these could be used on the C version? It’d bring the Gripen’s guided air to ground munition count pretty close to parity with other aircraft for other nations the most part, and if it is a thing that is used, should be added. It isn’t like an ARM, just a glide bomb from my understanding. Seems like it wouldn’t bring much to the table other than fix the lacking air to ground munition count on the C.

What are your thoughts? Sorry if this isn’t coherent, recovering from a nap.

The JAS39C definitively has them, they’ve been in service for a while.

I think the biggest issue with adding them to the game is the range. They far outrange anything currently in game. Gaijin could add a gimped version with the argument “Sweden needs better A2G ordinance but the real version is to op so we made it comparative to it’s in game counterparts”.


Ah yea, forgot about that. Range might need a hatchet taken to it, but wouldn’t be the first time they did that to something. Would help Sweden notably in my opinion.

The 110km++ Range would be utterly ridiculously overpowered XD

Feel wouldn’t be too unreasonable if the range was cut to a third or fourth.

Would just be nice to have effective munitions for sim ground attack. But yeah, kinda forgot the range for a bit.