JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

AGM-65G is being added to all JAS-39Cs next major update.

You were involved in the chally bug reports, ye?

Som of them yea

Swedish JAS39C doesnt have it, we checked it and turns out RB75T is modified Maverick missile that has TV Guiding and SAP-HE Warhead.

TV guiding reduces tracking capabilities from long ranges alot.


You able to help us at least attempt to sort this?

I am not particularly great at bug reports.

I could, but in like an hour or so, when im home


Apparently that’s an AGM-65H, which Gaijin is still likely researching the seeker head on.

Aye, didn’t mean immediately, just w/e time is convenient.

I believe that shouldnt be the case cause iirc it was modified by Sweden.

But still we need Maverick version that has IR guidance.

Rb 75t is Rb 75 tung, apparently. If this is the case, then it would be an agm 65b with a modified warhead, likely SAPHE or something similar.

For JAS39 Gripen C, I got an idea gaijin add GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II LGB in the future. and change new targeting pod (Rafael Litening III) replace AN/AAQ-(V) Litening II


Found this photo. 3rd from the left seems to be GBU 39s, though best I have found so far on GBU 39s, which would be arguably the best option for a fix to bring amount of ordnance to parity with other nations. Also Gungnir, but doubt that would be given, 39s could be fiddled with to make workable. Would be a bit more work than other ones though. Don’t know what second from left is, if we have it or not.

Also found this showing them present. Alongside what seems to be the targeting pod in the above reply.

Unsure if these are helpful.

Soo, what do you need from me?

Brochure says

I think we’re just trying to get the compatible weapons put onto it. I’m not 100% sure the end goal we’re aiming for, going to defer to @Panther2995 on that front, as I’m about to pass out. But goal I think is to get compatible weapons to bring the air to ground to parity with what it should be?

I am very very tired though, so I pass out now.

As @Fluffy_Bucketles said our goal is to report missing compatible ordinance.

In this case it will be AGM-65D/G/H and GBU-49’s, tho i believe AGM’s have higher priority so we can skip Gbu-49’s if you want.

Page still open as shutting everything down, I would suggest also encouraging gbu 39, though doubt this particular one would be successful. Would give Gripen comparable amount precision stuff to other nations.

Now page being closed. Take care all.

Well, in case of 65, if it can take one it can take all, thing is proving it did a specific version.

As for 49, it would be compatible with anything that can carry 12, but pictures again. Also GPS would do nothing in game for now, so they would be c&p of 12 with new model.

We believe thats the main issue, even tho Swedish JAS39C was compatible we don’t have credible source that shows it carried.
So i guess bug report will be most likely refuse?

Yea, unless they go out of their way to add it themselfs (or people cry loud enough) Swedish gripen will be stuck with 65H

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