JAS39C is missing basically EVERYTHING that makes it a version C

This will only come when 9X and R-74M are introduced. People who demand IRIS-T are clueless or spoiled kids. (i know OP didn’t demand it, just saying in general) (EHM PEOPLE WHO DEMAND IRIS-T FOR F-4 ICE LMAO)


Auto deploying of cm should be a option you can sellect in Air battles part of options, thing like slave cm release to MAW at the start of the battle. It is simply annoying having to unbind it all the time

IRIS-T should be added.

Yanks get enough fun toys, others should have have some fun for a bit. Would it be balanced? Not remotely. Fun tho.

I agree, it should be an option not default.

Without proper counterparts it will be really broken.

We’re talking about a missile that has 100G capabilities with TVC, IIR seeker,Datalink and amazing range.

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I am aware of what it is, I seek to cause havoc.


Ah man, good old times when like a year ago i was alone against german mains saying F4 ICE will come with IRIS-T, and it will be ballanced. Good times


Yes that’s what I mean is having auto-countermeasure deploying off by default [like real-life].

It’s literally a switch on the dash.
It’s already a control, just should be off by default.

Dude wants R-73M, AAM-5B, AIM-9X, etc to be added when flares can’t defeat them currently.
It’s like giving the F-104C AIM-9Ls.


My man seeks for chaos, respect.

Thats what i mean, you should have a toggle in the options of what you want by default, and have a keybind if you want to change it on the go, like for example weapon sellector.

Well, we already have cm designed to defeat IIR missiles, that is BOL. Oh, wait…

So guys anyone considering to make a bug report about missing compatible ordinance?

Gaijin be like: xaxaxaxaxa :)

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Would you believe in the F4 thread they were asking for IRIS-T? It isn’t just a year back, they want it now and think it balanced. At least I acknowledge I want it to seal club.

And yea, BOL is unfortunate.

What do you mean? This

Obviously equals to this


I’m not sure how we’d bug report it, the documents are pretty widely available showing it but not sure how we’d get them to listen.

Fuselage pylon missing bombs is reported for sure.

Well we can use official sources that shows which ordinance is compatible with JAS39C and ask them to add for balance purposes.

I believe Gaijin is also knows this but they decided to ignore it for some reason.

Oh yea i know that, im talking about missing AGM-65D/G/H and more advanced GBU models.

Current JAS39C should be compatible with those munitions but it lacks them currently.

Suppose should gather images in this thread then chuck that in a bug report?

Good idea but i never made bug reports before, so i dont exactly know how process works.