JAS 39C to UK but not Sweden?


Ive made a bug report on some JAS39A issues
it would be apreciated if ppl here could upvote it

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Typically you need to do 1 report per issue. Also im not sure if BOL is compatible with Aim-7 or Aim-120. I’ve never heard of it being compatible before

does this convice you ?

and AIM-120’s were meant to be compatible with AIM-7 mounts

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Fair enough, just never seen it before. Even with airframes like the Sea Harrier FA2 where it can take BOL on the wings with Aim-9M or AMRAAM on the wings i’ve never seen reference to it taking BOL+AMRAAM on the wings.

Perhaps its a feature of newer BOL rails to be AIm-7/AMRAAM compatible. Though Aim-7 Compatible doesnt necessarily mean Skyflash Compatible. Just worth quickly remembering.

yeah but the gripen never carried skyflash to begin with

as far as i know the A was at least able to fire them unlike the C

Yep, that is unhistorical. Yeah I;ve heard the same. Skyflash was “maybe” tested on the A. But AMRAAM was the intended BVR weapon system. With the radar being semi-based on the Blue Vixen which was designed exclusively for ARH

from what ive heared the A had CW illuminator but all other radars dit not
just in case the aim-120s ran out and the skyflash stocks were needed

Yep, never hurts to have that in reserve. Also handy for training/Conversion, etc

yeah exactly but hard proof i do not have

I think for the A (if Sweden had got it 6+ Months ago) then it doesnt really matter too much whether it could or couldnt. You are usually running 6x Aim-9 anyway (but BOL + Skyflash is very interesting)

But the C its a very strange choice. Im guessing Sweden will get Gripen C with AMRAAM in March (at least that is the only reason for holding it back) but the SAAF was IRIS-T only, So Aim-9M placeholder makes sense with no BVR. so was surprised when they said it would be getting SKyflash at all (though probably just easier to C&P The Gripen A’s loadout over)

C for sweden was confirmed for 1st patch next year yes

More FOX-3 either first or 2nd update next year
so yes probably gripen with amraam

yes indeed the SAAF version is IRIS-T only no BVR no other IR missles so i do find it odd its already here but gaijin looks at did it do it somewhere than did this nation do it

Yep, This whole Gripen Situation is really confusing. The way they’ve modeled the Gripen A (as basically a super-late Gripen A, that was nearly the Gripen C) feels like they have just screwed Sweden out of an airframe. Gripen A should have come ages ago as a much earlier variant (Mk1 radar, earlier RWR, No HMD, Aim-9L, maybe no BOL, etc) and now they should be getting C. Its really wierd.

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Yeah agreed

I had been working on the research for the F9F-8 Cougar. Gaijin came out with the “Sons of Attila” update. The last bit of my research was completed and I could now purchase it. But wait! NO! Gaijin had now nested the F9F-8 Cougar under the F9F-5 Panther (it wasn’t before the update) and I can’t get the F9F-8 Cougar until I get the F9f-5 Panther first. There was no 3-day or 5-day or 7-day time limit to make your adjustments before the path became permanent. It was INSTANTLY in place and permanent. When I reported this bug, I was told, “It’s not an error.” So, I can’t have my F9F-8 Cougar until I get the F9F-5 Panther.
Well, that wasn’t part of my progress plan and I liked my plan. Yes, I could dedicate myself to getting the F9F-5 Panther and then I instantly have access to my otherwise blocked F9F-8 Cougar. However, I had 6 other aircraft I intended to acquire before the F9F-5 Panther and that is the path I have followed and why I am finishing my 3rd month without access to an aircraft I already researched.
Gaijin hurt me badly and I have hurt Gaijin minorly. Money I used to spend on going to movies had been going to Gaijin to purchase premium vehicles and resources for crafting events. Not anymore. I used to budget a monthly allotment to Golden Eagles and Marketplace. I have cut the Golden Eagles allotment in half and the Marketplace budget is gone. They want us to spend money but I am witholding most of what I had already been paying until they make this right. Unfortunately, it appears Gaijin is determined to never make this right so they cut their own throat. Everyone claims Gaijin is so desperate for money and yet they want to cancel money that was already going to them so they can cause pain to a player.


Bug report is one thing, but have you tried contacting customer support?

I’ve been looking for something like this cheers.

youre welcome i think, may i ask why?

Hoping to use it to report the BOL attachments on the AIM-7/120 mounts. Along side the extra BOL flare dispensers on the wing pylon.

another couple pics about the 6 shot pod in my report


You are right, 4x BOL is not enough :P need those extra 2