JAS 39 Gripen E - Swedish Perfection

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Gripen E for the swedish air force tech tree

Short Histroy:

In 2006 Saab started work on a new program to enhance its existing Gripen platform, this program later designated Gripen Demo, led to the building of one Demo aircraft which was unveiled in 2008. This Aircraft (a two seater 39-7) was supposed to form the basis for a new modernized Gripen version which later became the Gripen E.
This new aircraft took to the skies on the 27th May 2008 and featured enhanced avionics, a new and improved General Electric F414-GE-39E engine, more range and an AESA radar supplemented by an IRST sensor. After its maiden flight the plane underwent rigorous flight testing with major milestones being the demonstration of its supercruise capability in 2009.

The Gripen Demo was then used as a development platform for the new Gripen E program which started the pre production phase in 2013 with 3 prototypes being built (39-8 for aerodynamic tests, 39-9 for system tests, 39-10 for the finalization), the first one was unveiled in March 2016. The first flight was delayed till 2017 because of certification issues with the software. On June 15th 2017 maiden flight was done and the aircraft completed milestones such as supersonic flight by 2018.

Initially the Aircraft was marketed to Sweden, Brazil and Switzerland, but since the Swiss decided to procure the F-35 instead only Brazil and Sweden would remain as customers.
Sweden would order 60 aircraft in 2013 with plans of them getting fully delivered in 2020, since then the aircraft suffered multiple delays during the certification process, the first 2 production aircraft were delivered in December 2020 pre service testing by the Swedish air force (with Brazil getting 4) with full introduction starting in 2023.

The second large customer for the Gripen E, Brazil, ordered a first batch of 36 aircraft (called the F-39E) with at least 15 of those being built in Brazil with a new production line opening in 2023, with a further option for up to 120 aircraft of the type planned.
In 2024 Thailand decided to also procure Gripen Es with negotiations still ongoing and further details yet to be unveiled.
Variants of the Aircraft for Carrier Operations called the sea Gripen were both marketed to India and Brazil but those went nowhere.

Upgrades over the C:

  • bigger and heavier than its predecessor
  • 30% more fuel
  • more Hardpoints (10 in total although one can only house a targeting/ECM pod)
  • more powerful engine: General Electric F414-GE-39E (around 18kN more thrust)
  • new Leonardo ES-05 Raven Active Electronically Scanned Array radar
  • new Leonardo Skyward G infrared search and track sensor
  • 360-degree MAWS and fancy stuff like Selex-ES Brite Cloud
  • advanced electronic warfare suite
  • wide area cockpit display and general improvements to the avionics
  • Targo II helmet with HMS

General specifications:

Length: 15,2 meters
Width: 8,6 meters
max takeoff weight: 16,500 kg
Empty weight: 8,000 kg
Thrust: 98 kN (64kN without burner)
Range: up to 4000 km (ferry range)
max speed: Mach 2
G-limit: +9/-3 Gs

Well the best question would be “What can’t it carry?” but i will try to keep it short (that’s a lie)


Air to Air missiles:


Up to 7 BVR missiles with 2 IR missiles on the wingtips possible
IR: Aim 9s, ASRAAM, IRS-T, Python, A-Darter
BVR: AMRAAM, Meteor, Derby, R-Darter

Ground ordinance:



Mk82/83/84 General Purpose Bombs



Paveway II and III
Lizard II/III
Enhanced Paveway II

GPS guided Bombs:


Spice EO
JDAM (GBU-31/32/38)

Air to ground missiles:



Anti Ship:


RBS-15, RBS-15F ER

Targeting pod: LITENING 3

Could it be added right now (Update Storm Warning)?
→ Personal Opinion
Yes, it could but with a obviously reduced Weapons load. Nobody should expect getting Meteor or IRS-T soon. Since we saw the introduction of the Rafale with an AESA radar (although the Gripen Es radar is able to gimble to almost 90 degrees which would it make very powerful in BVR) it would not destroy the balance at top tier but rather add a healthy bit of competition to the top dogs.

thanks for reading



YES! Peak Gripen.
Gotta get a grip.


Still only 6 hardpoints for AA role and only 4 are for Fox-3s, albeit the Meteor would be ridiculous. It’s definitely time to add this beauty since we are well into Gen4 now.


Fairly certain it has 9






no more


Hope it’s unique to Sweden so it’s finally worth it to grind that tree all the way to top tier


Well with Thailand currently in negotiations for a major order, it’s likely that it could got to the Japan tree as well


From what I understand, it will take quite a while for RTAF to fully equip their 1st wing with Gripen E/F. According to Wassana Nanuam, one of the leading military journalists, interview with the commanders-in-chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, Gripen E/F will arrive in Thailand around 2572 BE (2029 CE)…So, yeah, idk if we have to wait until 2029 for Gripen E to come to Japanese Thailand-Sub tree ^.^"


That might be an image describing Gripen NG and not necessarily Gripen E (the info seems correct though).
If Gripen E gets added to the game this is likely something players are going to get wrong A LOT.

Gripen NG (NG = Next Generation) is the testbed that was used to develop the Gripen E and has in stages had both additional features that the end product did not get as well as lacking some abilities that the Gripen E in the end did get. So it’s important to differentiate between the two (especially if the Gripen NG gets added as a separate vehicle)
One example being the extended back of the wing the NG had at one point but that was later scrapped and not added to the E (left NG right E):

Point being that we need to be careful of what sources are used as many reference the NG instead of the E version (some even write one of them but show info for the other… ).

But the info of amount of missiles seems correct, from SAABs own website:
Screenshot 2025-01-02 112123
(Gripen E-series | Saab)


Yeah, it will take quite a while for them to arrive. It remains a possibility for gajin though even if Japan has quite good more modern aircraft like the F-2 that can (and should) be added first

Do we now how many NG aircraft exist? So far I only have seen the demonstrator with the number 6002.
It also didn’t have IRST when first unveiled but seems to later be upgraded


Yeah Meteor should not be added right now imo since it will be way too strong. @Gunjob can sing you a song about its capabilities over the current Fox 3s

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It’s greedy of me but would love to see this in the SA tree, the Typhoon while great (excluding the Radar) isn’t as much fun as the Gripen is

I hope they fall through xd

There is absolutely no reason for it to go into the SA tech tree.


I believe it will most certainly come to the game eventually, so it’s a thumbs up for me, but i agree with @Necronomica where we need to be very careful about what sources are used and differentiate between the NG and E.


Well yeah considering they haven’t got the Gripen E or plan to

The only other nation that should get the Gripen E is Japan via Thailand


You are correct I had mistaken SA were planning to acquire them

I think the NG versions are not numbered or registered IIRC. So if that is the case we can’t know how many there are or how many times they have been changed/rebuilt.

The 6000+ numbers are serial produced E versions as far as i know.
I’ve seen images of tail numbers 39-(low numbers, like 10 to 20 or something like that) prototypes that i can’t seem to find in any tail number list (number39-1 to 39-8 are A and B prototypes IIRC).

Here is 39-10 for example with the IRST on the nose:



And 39-9 with IRST:


But then here is 39-9 without the IRST:



So honestly its a bit of a minefield with the NG versions and will likely just become what the devs want it to be.