JAS 39 Gripen E - Swedish Perfection

From what I’ve gathered 39-7 is the initial Gripen Demo plane unveiled back in 2008

39-8 should also be the first Gripen E prototype from what I’ve read

FVI flyger nästa generation av JAS 39 Gripen – Flygvapenbloggen.

I think you are correct about the 39-8 being the first NG, but the 7 i’m pretty sure is a D version.
Found this (https://www.saab.com/globalassets/cision/documents/2017/20170615-lyckad-forsta-flygning-med-gripen-e-sv-0-2591790.pdf) by saab announcing the first NG flight as 39-8 :)
Which also prove what minefield this is going to be as SAAB themselves call it an E version…

Seems like both 39-7 (called DEMO) and 39-8 are testbeds but the 39-8 have been rebuilt to E standard later:
(FVI flyger nästa generation av JAS 39 Gripen – Flygvapenbloggen)

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yeah it really seems to be quite the mess XD

This would be the a very appropriate addition to the swedish tech tree considering only Sweden and Brazil is using the Gripen E as of yet. The swedish air tech tree has become pretty redundant now considering the Gripen C is available in three other tech trees. Adding the Gripen E would actually give an incentive to grinding the swedish tech tree over other tech trees.

+1 all the way


+1 Should be added but not for a while as we are once again further ahead on aircraft than its armaments which we should not be doing as thats just silly
This should only be added with RB 101 and RB 98


Some nice interviews, should be commentary translate enabled since most of them are in Swedish
Jag Känner På Sveriges Nästa Stridsflyg | JAS Gripen E
TESTPILOT beskriver JAS 39 GRIPEN E! Vad gör den så bra?
English interview:
NGAD? We already tick every box…
STEALTH is No Longer Relevant

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For those interested here is a video on the publicly available simulator for the JAS39E: