hellllllllo where GCS/XGCS/ASM-2 HELLLLLLLLO. why penguin IR antiship missile can be used against tanks but gcs/xgcs/asm-2 cannot?
(translator)Good luck to all. I’m not sure what the topic is, but I’ll throw off the magazines I found that talk about Japanese technology. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find 2 rooms, but maybe you’ll be lucky.
A list of found issues with downloaded magazines.
World Air Power Journal
9 - Variant Briefing: Bell AH-1 Cobra - not found
10 - JASDF photo feature - not found
11 - JMSDF photo feature
world_air_power_journal_1992_no_11.pdf - Google Drive
15 - F-4EJ Kai and US-1
world_air_power_journal_1993_no_15.pdf - Google Drive
18 - T-2
world_air_power_journal_1994_no_18.pdf - Google Drive
23 - F-1
World Air Power Journal 23.pdf - Google Drive
35 - Air Power Analysis: Japan
world_air_power_journal_1998_no_35.pdf - Google Drive
38 - OH-1
world_air_power_journal_1999_no_38.pdf - Google Drive
Website with a list of all issues World Air Power Journal
Because that would give Japan something actually useful for their aircraft and we don’t want that!
probably not something very ground breaking but here’s a picture of T-2 59-5106 carrying a XASM-1 and underwing AIM-9Bs
also does anybody knows if this diagram is accurate? it claims that T2 could carry JLAU-3 rocket pods on the center of the fuselage which in game is not represented, but I find it weird how the canopy looks on the drawing
Thats the FS-T2 Kai, basically a testbed for F-1. It was also seen with GCS-1;
It is not T-2 but FS-T2 Kai what was the T-2 converted to F-1 standarts and served as F-1 in ADTW
Actual T-2, according to manual couldn’t use ASM
According to manual for T-2 - it is wrong.
Also there isn’t any picture showing this loadout and as you said it looks weird
Too fast ares)
Yea yea xP
Posting an F-1 with the T-2 3-piece windshield because gaijin still hasn’t corrected it on the tech tree T-2