Japanese Weapons Master Thread


hellllllllo where GCS/XGCS/ASM-2 HELLLLLLLLO. why penguin IR antiship missile can be used against tanks but gcs/xgcs/asm-2 cannot?


(translator)Good luck to all. I’m not sure what the topic is, but I’ll throw off the magazines I found that talk about Japanese technology. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find 2 rooms, but maybe you’ll be lucky.

A list of found issues with downloaded magazines.

World Air Power Journal

9 - Variant Briefing: Bell AH-1 Cobra - not found
10 - JASDF photo feature - not found

11 - JMSDF photo feature
world_air_power_journal_1992_no_11.pdf - Google Drive

15 - F-4EJ Kai and US-1
world_air_power_journal_1993_no_15.pdf - Google Drive

18 - T-2
world_air_power_journal_1994_no_18.pdf - Google Drive

23 - F-1
World Air Power Journal 23.pdf - Google Drive

35 - Air Power Analysis: Japan
world_air_power_journal_1998_no_35.pdf - Google Drive

38 - OH-1
world_air_power_journal_1999_no_38.pdf - Google Drive

Website with a list of all issues World Air Power Journal


Because that would give Japan something actually useful for their aircraft and we don’t want that!

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probably not something very ground breaking but here’s a picture of T-2 59-5106 carrying a XASM-1 and underwing AIM-9Bs

also does anybody knows if this diagram is accurate? it claims that T2 could carry JLAU-3 rocket pods on the center of the fuselage which in game is not represented, but I find it weird how the canopy looks on the drawing


Thats the FS-T2 Kai, basically a testbed for F-1. It was also seen with GCS-1;



It is not T-2 but FS-T2 Kai what was the T-2 converted to F-1 standarts and served as F-1 in ADTW
Actual T-2, according to manual couldn’t use ASM

According to manual for T-2 - it is wrong.
Also there isn’t any picture showing this loadout and as you said it looks weird


Too fast ares)

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Yea yea xP

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(translator) What's bothering you?

Posting an F-1 with the T-2 3-piece windshield because gaijin still hasn’t corrected it on the tech tree T-2

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