Japanese Weapons Master Thread

yeah, this is my gripe with this feture of optical lock, it somehow can’t even lock if ANYTHING near the circle of the seeker. strela’s probably the best use of optical lock since the seeker is way smaller.


Which; of course it is, because Russian Sekret Dokuments

Yeah, the pain of having imaging seekers modeled as contrast ones that can’t tell an aircraft from the building clear and far below it…


But Gaijin says, “They basically operate the same so really it’s fine, the ground clutter can be turned down… But we need exact figures otherwise buzz off”

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So I just found out the Spike missiles got a bit of a buff, so even if you stick just the cupola up or something, the missile can lock it and target the tank…

But the CSG’s can’t be added because ‘they can only target ships’… Right


Took You a while they did that 2 updates ago

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Look I don’t pay attention do it after they denied Japan more than once from getting the CSG because the “IR can’t track a tank” and I haven’t heard it being any better until now to be fair-

That and the fact the 2S38 of all tanks got a buff with this update while still overperforming

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The bug reports on both were rejected for the notion of mentioning clutter which I suggested to be reduced while even imaging seekers are still stated to have clutter. The difference isn’t the amount of clutter, but the way it functions.

On a contrast seeker an aircraft on the blue sky is a contrast to be locked, however if the ground is in the field of view, that is also a contrast. So if there is no way to specifically differentiate vetween different signatures the aim moves to the average position between them, since that’s the center of thw perceived contrast.

On an imagine seeker the aircraft alone is differentiated after the lock, and can still be hit with the ground in the FOV. However if it is, for example, green and flies in front of a similar green background it can blend in, causing the seeker to lose lock. Similarly it might fly partially behind objects, which can obstruct and obscure it in ways that it can lose the lock.
However for this second point an initial lock would still be possible as long as the image of the partial aircraft contrasts its surroundings.

I’ve been told to make a full suggestoon to differentiate imaging seekers, but that might require a lot more sources to do and some very specific information I’m not quite sure where to find. While I don’t have time for it now, but I will get to it eventually.


I’ve seen a few users here use patent information for things like this, might be worth a shot.