Japanes Bf 109 E-7

I’m flying a BF 109 F-2 now, In last few battles I’ve had two encounters with a Japanese premium 109 E-7. Both times it ended badly for me → Death. I’m not going to fight an E-7 a third time. That plane obviously turns better than my F-2, the stats card must be lying in this case. In both cases I didn’t have an energy advantage, the odds were even. I feeling the E-7 to be a better dogfighter than my F-2 in terms of actual aircraft performance (in 1v1).

What is your experience with the Japanese 109 E-7?

Japanese E-7 is literally copy and paste of Bf 109 E-4 in German TT so, you can try that before buying it.


Stat cards can’t be used to compare aircraft direcly. they tell stats at particular conditions and they are true only if those conditions are meet.

for instance, a plane can be faster than another at sea level, but the second can be faster at high altitude. On the stat cards it’s only reported the max speed at altitude, so the second plane may appear as the fastest one accordingly to the stat card, but at lower altitudes, the first plane wins the race. Same goes for the climb rate and all others stats.

yes the E series 109 does out turn the F series, but the F series is much faster and climbs better.

you’ll also find the 109Fs out turn the 109Gs, and the G’s (I think just) out turn the K-4.

As I usually don’t face 109 against me when I fly 109 myself, actually on B.R 3.0 the only 109 I can face in my F-2 is the Japanese E-7, maybe American F-4 but I never see that in F-2, so at that moment I relied on the stats card which says that F -2 turns faster, and it’s not!, I’ve learned in practice, I’ll fight E-7 differently next time.

yeah the stat cards honestly mean nothing. the only stat I really pay attention to is the climb rate but even that doesn’t tell the whole truth

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It’s exactly the same as the german 109 E-4, and both are damn good fighters.

Statcard always lies, for example I was testing the He 112 B-0 the other day for a suggestion I was writing, and while the statcard top speed is shown as 502kph at 2800m, at 4000m I reached 515kph. Meanwhile, statcard turn times are for a SUSTAINED turn, at sea level, with full fuel. I’m unsure of the conditions for statcard climb rate, but they’re likely similar.

Anyway, you should give the 109 E-4 a try. It’s my favorite fighter in the game.

The E-7 is difficult to fight in the F-2. You are faster but he turns better and I think has better or equal climb rate.

To get an energy advantage you need to climb away at high speed that he can’t follow due to his larger drag. All you can really do is hit and run until you are able to hit and damage him, which is not the most enjoyable way to fight, since it takes a long time to get the upper hand.

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