Japan Su-27

I am pretty sure you meant MiG-25P instead of Su-25

However, I do believe the proposed Su-27J is more justified than the F-16AJ as an addition, especially since the current F-16AJ is pure fantasy and not even based on the real proposal.

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I did, thanks for correcting.

I agree when it comes to the AJ comparison.

I really don’t like the way they added the F-16AJ. It is a perfect example for the reason peolle dislike paper vehicles. It not being built gave Gaijin the freedom to alter the design based on assumptions that directly contradict the information we have and turn it into a fictional aircraft with only loose connection to historic designs.

I wouldn’t mind some of the interesting paper designs or proposals (like the F-15FX or F-2 Super Kai) at some point if Gaijin stuck to what information they had instead of made up “what if” situations, but that seems to not be the case for now.

I’ll stay neutral on the Su-27J. It sounds funny and with trial vehicles so normalized by Sweden is technically viable in the context of the game, but I don’t really see a need for it either and would rather see real Japanese or subtree options instead.


Ok but add the cv90 to USSR as well as centauro 105 and 120 one do not forget about freccia Iranian f14 f5 they got from Vietnam Bradley etc etc

The CV and Centauro make sense (well, if the su-27 got added to japan, which it shouldn’t be), but what does the Iranian F-5/14 have to do with Russia? They got it from the US
If your argument for that is the missile they carry, we might as well add the J-8F to Israel

F5 came from Vietnam and was captured and sent to USSR

Don’t forget the Iranian f-14a in the Israeli tree for the lols

I think that after the F-2A is added, the F-16AJ should be hidden like the Panther II was. It should be a rare relic.


I think they should change it to a Thai F-16 when such subtree comes around. That way it could keep the 12.0 BR filled and provide the ground attack aid.


Would prefer change it to South Korean KF-16 (F-16C), as we can then add a lot of interesting South korean Jets:

T-50 to replace R2Y2 with alongside some T-4 and T-7 trainners

F-15K for having AG options

KF-21 alongside the F-35J


Please, stop considering the addition of SK as a subtree to Japan, even thought it might be a viable option to help the japanese tree, it would offend both jap and sk communities, because of historical reasons.

A viable option of subtree would be Thailand, which despite not having the most unique vehicles ever, would boost the japanese lineups, and also be an option to add ukrainian vehicles, such as the BTR-3 and T-84 Oplot.
About the Air subtree, Thailand could provide F-5A and F-5E; AV-8S; F-16 ADF, OCU and MLU (With these F-16s, Gaijin could hide the F-16AJ from the techtree, like how they did with the Panther II, Tiger II 105 and Coelian); JAS-39C; A-37 Dragonfly; L-39 Albatros; and T-50 Golden Eagle.


Everything except Soviet based tank I can accept as both BTR and t84 are Soviet based if all nations are getting Soviet based vehicles why can’t USSR get other nation tech

Because USSR/Russia does not need a subtree, since they have a lot of vehicles developed, and a good chunck of them aren’t in the game yet.
Also, using your argument as an example, you can say the same about vehicles of american or german origin: “If all nations are getting american/german based vehicles why can’t USA/Germany get other nation tech?”
Except that all the Big 3 do have vehicles from other nation on their tech tree or premium/event tree.
USA have the AMBT (Modified M60 from Turkey) and Merkavas (from years before considering adding Israel to the game);
USSR/Russia have the Moderna (Modified T-72M from Slovakia) and Type 62/ZTQ62/WZ131 (Chinese-made light tank)
Germany have the TAMs (Argentinian light tank, Thyssen-Henschel chassi) and the argentiniam SK-105 inside the techtree, and also the Class 3 (Thyssen-Henschel chassi, tested by the South African Army).

Modified Soviet based vehicles can be found on Sweden (Pbv 501 and finnish T-55M) and Israel (Tiran 4Sh) and these modifications have nothing to do with USSR/Russia (Same with T-72 Moderna).
The T-84 is based on the Soviet T-80, but all the modifications done to it were made by the ukrainians, and the T-84 Oplot-T is the variant in Thai service. Also, the BTR-3 is an indigenous design by Ukraine, and not soviet based.

So, there is no problem with the ukrainian made vehicles for Thailand.


And i’m just counting post Second World War gound vehicles, If I were to count planes and vehicles from the WWII, the list of non-soviet vehicles inside the USSR tree would be way bigger.

EDIT: And I completely forgot about the T-72AV Turms, a modified Syrian T-72 with italian-made optics and thermal imagers.

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Funny because now they cooperate,…

Military organizations in both countries have never worked together except for one treaty
“Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Japan
on the Protection of Classified Military Information”
It’s called an agreement, but it’s actually just a non-enforced treaty


Just because NOW they “”“cooperate”“”, doesn’t mean they worked together, had any sort of good relationship with each other, or were allies at some point. Things that Japan and Thailand actually do/are.

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The AMBT is an American tank that just so happened to be used by another country. Not really any different other than br and some upgrades.

It is the case with most foreign vehicles inside trees. The C2 Mexas is a canadian Leopard 1 modified, The Khalid is a jordanian Chieftain modified,…
The few cases of vehicles of other countries that have nothing to do with the nation it is placed is the German SK-105 (Austrian-made, operated by Argentina), British T-90S (Russian-made, operated by India), Swedish K9 (South Korean-made, modified and operated by Norway). Those vehicles are just connected by political reasons, and not by technology or development shared between the countries.

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Which is why using it as an example is a BS argument that the USA and ussr don’t deserve true foreign vehicles

They don’t need a subtree, both USA and USSR/Russia have a lot of vehicles developed. Having foreign-made vehicles inside their techtrees and lineups that have no conection to the nation’s technology and development and were added simply because of politics between the two countries would just blend the image of the techtree and blend its grind between national and foreign vehicles. Also imagine the mess that both comunities would make against its addition.
Having a blend techtree because of subtrees is a thing that small nations like Italy and Japan will have to endure to maintain itself relevant to the game, thing that USA and Russia doesn’t need.

Remember the case of the German SK-105? That was added because Austria and Germany were close polically and culturally? While ignoring France even thought the Kurassier was inspired by and used french tech? Later Gaijin changed it to be the argentinian SK-105 (Somewhat better justified, since Argentina is a sort of subtree for Germany), and the austrian one was added to France.
Germany NEVER needed the SK-105, and it was added inside the techtree for no real reason. Some may say that Germany not even needed Argentina, since theres a lot of DDR’s vehicles that aren’t in the techtree yet.

The situations are totally different.
One thing is wanting foreign vehicles inside a techtree that doesn’t need it.
The other is wanting a subtree inside a techtree that does need it.

By the way, let’s get back into this thread and stop talking offtopic from other nations.