Japan Su-27

But there is a plan. There will come a day when Japan will graduate from the paper airplane group. It may be a long journey, but we need information to get there. And we need to talk about what we can add to the Japanese tree.

Yeah, I agree that Japan Tech Trees are having troubles with too few Cold-War-era jets despite the ‘Historical Issues’
(Kind of like Kishi Kicked F-100 off from the table.)
Of course, we need to talk about what can be added. More planes bring more fun! Right?
But at the same time, we also need to talk about ‘What shouldn’t be added from suggestion pools.’ (well… this is Gaijin’s work, but sadly Gaijin failed when they added F-16AJ… So…)

Well… I think an ‘improved variant of F-15J’ or F-2 (and introduction of ARH Missiles) can be answers to cease the need for Su-27 on the Japanese Tech Tree branch. I was happy to read interesting stories about JASDF’s attempt to buy Su-27 but no. I voted ‘no’ at votes too.

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When the F-16AJ arrived, Japan was happy that they finally had a fighter that could fight. But Japan doesn’t have such a fighter and needs to replace it with “real” F-16s from Thailand and other countries. I’m also against “Japanese Su-27s”. But this proposal has some interesting points. But it’s a bit complicated…
The two options already presented are Indonesian Su-27 and Vietnamese Su-27. I don’t know about Vietnam, but Indonesia has a higher chance of being added to the game. Also, this is a bridge for Indonesia to be added to the game in the future. So I voted “Yes” for the first option and for the second option I chose option 2. At least it’s not a paper plane, it’s real. However, this is just my opinion and it’s up to Gaijin to decide what Indonesia will do.

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There is actually two more variants of the F-15J that could be added to the game:

  • F-15J MSIP {this is more like the C-MSIP than the A-MSIP already in the US tree}
  • F-15J MTDP {this one is also known as the F-15J-Kai}

And if we want to include a very modern one:

  • F-15JSI {Japan Super Interceptor upgrade began in 2022}

F-16AJ 2: Electric Boogaloo

I am indeed happy I can CAS with it, but just feels wrong lol Still not a fan of the F-16 AJ tbh. A nerfed up F-2 when F-16s came out would of been a better call to make and saying they intentionally nerfed it to match the current F-16s performance for a some balance and later they can give it its close performance how it does in Real Life so players won’t complain about incorrect this or incorrect that as much till after its buffed. Like the recent update would of been the right time to buff it. With a Su-27, I will also feel wrong, but its up to Gaijin to decide on this, their game and with many double standards… IDk, just me and my opinions.

Me neither, I hope the fictional F-16AJ gets swapped for a real F-16 block-20 MLU in use by Thailand

For the F-2 I’d rather wait a proper execution of its systems that rush in some random nerf with no basis in reality. The reason why we still aren’t seeing the F-2 is because of its AESA radar, its a lot more potent than current top tier radars and also functions quite differently, its different enough that they would probably want time to get it right (and I’d rather they pace themselves than forcefeed us more top tier stuff).

Japan will get enough F15’s, But I do think it would make a neat skin for the Su27/J11s

no, simply gaijin could’ve introduced a nerfed F-2 prototype and buff it in future patches, like the italian F-16ADF not having TWS and amraams/aim-9L/I-1. the fact they created a whole fake plane just because japan wanted something they didn’t have now put other nations in the right to ask for the same treatment, cannot wait to see the “proposed” F-15 for italy :)

cannot wait to have the “proposed” italian F-15 for the TT!

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1 Soviet jet I do agree is the Mig-25 Japan captured thanks to a certain pilot. Of course the US dismantled it for the sake of studying but it did fall in the hands of Japan first. Most likely should be a event vehicle though.


It was never flown by Japanese pilots, it was only ever evaluated by the U.S. and shipped back to the Soviet Union in pieces.

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The Japanese did own it until it was given back to the Soviets.

It would also be interesting to have a choice of what nation the MiG-25 coupon would get activated to, being USA, USSR and Japan. Along with a good choice of other vehicles with a similar feature this could be an event with rewards for all nations.

But yeah, I doubt Gaijin would do a joke at the cost of the Soviets anytime soon. As funny as a “take apart Belenkos MiG-25P” event would be, it’s unlikely.

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With what limited information they have, they could just model AESA as an either instant sweeping PD radar that can’t be notched with TWS scanning multiple targets on the HUD instead of just the radar display.

F-2 Early only has AIM9Ls/AAM-3 and AIM-7Ms and the Sparrows, even with an AESA radar, don’t have any data link or anything. Meaning, even if you can’t notch the radar, they’ll still fall for chaff when notched or cold, same as now with PD radars. Heck even PD radars now are updated to still track notching targets above the horizon so it seems like Gaijin is already progressing towards AESA, gameplay wise.

They could just bring the XF-2A with PD radar from the F-16C and update it to prototype J/APG-1 when they feel they’re ready as well. Considering we have AAM-3 on F-15J, they wouldn’t even have to nerf the XF-2A at all.

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Japan never had the Su-27 in service and while they did test it, did not gain any technical data from it. That was of importance compared to vehicles from a different period cough cough Germany in WW2. They gained a lot of technical information from it.

One more thing that picture of 3 of them is most likely concept art, not a real picture. Especially since you wrote 2xxx rather than the actual year it was taken. In simple terms a red flag that it’s a real photograph.

So no they do not need it in-game, it makes no sense to give them it and it’s clear the deal never went through.

No single reason for Japan to have Su-27,…

Having interest to an aircraft doesn’t mean it should be added in,…

Just wait for your Mitsubishi F.2 and AAM-4/5 ^^"


Testing an aircraft is different from buying it.

Heavy Tank No°6 was bought from germany, even if it never reached Japan shores,…

SU-27 trials were made in russia,… and only were trials conducted under russian supervision.

Even i hate Russian tech tree to the core I still found this ridiculous Japanese SU-27??? let put the stop and let them have some unique


I understand, but it’s not about simply adding another missile to an existing jet. Japan has a barebones top tier for its air tech tree; furthermore, they are all American jets with modifications. I would like to see something more unique, like the Flanker or the Mistubishi F2.

It’s a sorry excuse, but the amount of vehicles Sweden gets away with getting is simply unacceptable. Surely, gaijin should give Japan and other minor tech trees the same preferential treatment Sweden gets?

That was on the MiG-25P, which Viktor Belenko fled the Soviet Union with. It was captured by Japan and lent to the US for examination before before being returned the the Soviet Union.

It’s more of an unlikely joke addition for an event than a real proposal, but still has some basis to it, as Japan actually owned it at some point.

It wouldn’t be meta in any way, and considering this is a “Japan Su-27” post it seems comparatively reasonable for a joke addition.