Japan Su-27

Honestly this is just a joke suggestion, Japan should not and most likely will not ever get a su-27.


While this is neat bit of history, I dont believe it would be good idea overall.

While using sweden and its Mi-28/T-80 as comparison is understandable, I personally think they shouldnt have got those vehicles in the first place.

It takes away from the uniqueness of the tech trees.

the lead devs fav nation is sweden. ofc it gets preferential treatment

While I agree with the sentiment, I don’t agree with the overall gameplay-ability of the game. The copy and paste that Gaijin are often ridiculed for (in some cases very fairly so) is merely a reflection of how IRL is.

If we were to limit vehicles to one iteration in their domestically made trees, not only would be severely deplete and outright delete some nations, it also removes some pretty cool vehicles that do deserve to be in game.

I feel the issue is more nuanced than this.

The issue is, as it can already be seen with china, italy, sweden to some extent and britain is also approaching it fast, that trees lose identity rather fast.

Lets take italy to demonstrate - Italy has no domestic top tier jet, instead it gets F-16, Tornado ADV and in the future hungarian Mig-29 and JAS-39C. If you dont have personal connection to a country and you care only about the top tier stuff, theres little to no reason to NOT grind italy as it offers (or rather it will offer) a top tier aircraft from 4 different countries at once.

At the same time im not saying italy shouldnt get those planes, because it would end up having no top tier jets if it was limited only to domestic design.

I feel there should be some priority regarding as to what add to the trees, and if i were to make such priority list (and give examples to ilustrate), it would look like this

  1. Purely domestic designs (Leopard 1)
  2. Foreign vehicles accepted into service by nation together with their domestic variants (M48 in german service)
  3. Domestic prototypes at places/roles where no domestic design or domestic variant of foreign equipment can be placed IN THE TECH TREE (HSTV-L, US variant of Roland and ADATS)
  4. Subtrees to either fill out gaps or bolster lineups (Canadian ADATS for UK)

Domestic prototypes that can be replaced by service vehicle, limited production runs and foreign upgrade packages that were not accepted but exist for TT vehicles (TAM2IP) and captured vehicles (French Panther, hungarian Tiger) should be reserved for premiums and event rewards.

Foreign vehicles that were ONLY trialed should not be added to nation that trialed them (swedish T-80U and Mi-28), only in extreme cases when vehicle that would fit in any of those four aforementioned categiries doesnt exist and theres a dire need to fill a gap.

Germans trialed F-16 and F-15, but adding them would be bad idea. Japan Su-27s would be in the same boat, as it would go down the italy road.

Also im not saying this is perfect thought or list as im sure we could find many outliers that are already present in the game but dont fall into my line of thought. This was meant more as food for thought rather than dogmatic truth about how things should be.

I would say that this is a largely individual preference - I would be hesitant to say that this is a player base wide feeling. An Indian MiG-21 would be loved by the Indian players regardless of it being an export fighter thanks in no small part to how patriotic a lot of Indians can be.

The blame with this rests with the players, not Gaijin. I have always been a firm advocator that nations do not need to be top tier/meta and that people should accept that their preferred nation simply didn’t have the vehicles available. It’s just an accepted fact that people want these vehicles without grinding out another entire nation - an issue Gaijin could lessen with economy changes.

With a tier 8 premium tank and about $40AUD~ or so of gold, you can reach tier 10 in WoT in 2-3 days. Replicating that in WT is a lot harder and a lot more expensive, even for aviation.

You’ve just described why Gaijin do what they did in the same thought. Gaijin stated with the F-16AJ that the plane’s addition was an exception, not the rule.

I can see that, problem would be with placement.

Would it end up in russian or UK TT?



And Su-27 for japan does not fall into that exception.

With F-16AJ players can at least cope that since it is US plane and Japan cooperates with US regarding military affairs, it at least makes sense, unlike with russia with which japan is in dispute over kuril islands.

I haven’t given much thought over a standalone Indian tree but I do think there is potential to receive unique variants of the MiG-21 not operated by Russia like the MiG-21UPG (R-77 and R-73 capable MIg-21).

If there wasn’t enough to justify an Indian tree, then the subsequent additions would be added under the British tree. Would be weird though having an aircraft in the British tech tree with R-73s and R-77s.

Feast your eyes upon standalone india tech tree…with pakistani subtree

Because china with taiwan subtree wasnt enough.


Beside few domestic modifications and things like HAL Tejas, im afraid theres not enough vehicles to form a tech tree AND have proper lineups without gaps in capability.


Wouldnt be weirder than Bishma

I am primarily an Aviation player so it’s weird for me. It would make for a funny montage with the Mundian To Bach Ke playing in the background.

Glorious British MiG-21UPG, MiG-27UPG, MiG-29UPG, MiG-29K, Su-30K and Su-30MKI. Hope gaijin will add all of these British masterpieces.

What would be YOURS solution then?

Because as i see it, adding unique domestic vehicles to britain, ie. HAL Tejas and mayyybe Mig21UPG while keeping the export russian stuff to russia US export stuff to US and french export stuff to France sounds like the best solution.

Yeah, that’s not bad variant, especially when Russia can get 21-93 instead of upg (even variant with pesa radar), but I’m highly sure gaijin want to throw all of these stuff to Britain as already stated by gaijin Britain will get more Indian stuff due to “CoMmOnWeAlTh”.

Which would be a terrible idea because then you end up with mirages and raphaeles in british tech tree and it becomes second italy. Add australian and canadian hornets into the mix…

You mean i can easily get flankers without grinding Russia but in the UK? Hell yeah rule Brittania

Knowing its gaijin?


But indias sukhois should go to russia, raphaels to France etc.

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Well gaijin does be lazy and copy stuff, but it is when the host nation lacks vehicles that serves the role at the BR, ie, there wont be a DDR strela 10 but a Hungarian one could be introduced. As of the topic Britain is not in dire need of a flanker so nah it could be later down the line in the Russian TT.

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If Japan could get SU27, there is no doubt Germany could get SU27 and China could get F14 and F15…



The F-1 is already in game, we’re beyond the technological point of the F-2, and the F-15JSI adds nothing but ECM, a new radar, and JASSM missiles.

Who says they had to get an AIM-120A? It’s more likely that America will get a 120B, and Japan already has their own domestic ARH missile that’s akin to the AIM-7. It’s effectively an AIM-120 if the AIM-120 didn’t try to reduce weight for performance.
The hell is an RVV-EP?