Japan jet BR is too high. Howcome Ki-200 is 9.3 while Mig-21 S is only 9?

Mig-21 with R-3R and R-3S BR is only 9 while Ki-200 is 9.3 with only 30mm cannon???
Gaijin, please take a look at this.
Many times I got the room full with AIM 9L and R-60MK while my jet is only with AIM-9B/E max.




Gaijin balances off of vehicle stats, and Japanese players are usually quite skilled, so they get a higher BR. Stupid, I know.


Its like the British Venom being 8.7 despite being a 1940s first gen jets. I can see cold war jets in an upteir with aim9g and r60. All you got to defend is subsonic speeds with some 20mm.


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At first i was like “nah this guy is lying” but then i searched the Ki-200 on the wiki and…why is that thing 9.3 in AAB and 8.7 in ARB,Gaijin?Hello?

Air Battles are the only place in the game where vehicles can have entire BR shifts from one mode to another,and i think this is the best proof to represent the ludicrous compression state of Air Battles

If you are wondering why the Arcade BR of Ki-200 is so high, it is because it can maintain a high energy state.

I actually think it is rather justified, at least more than people think. In Arcade, the WEP time of aircraft is limited to bursts. For this reason, aircraft like MiG-21 are very painful to play in Arcade, losing energy so quickly and not being able to regain it in time. In comparison, Ki-200 can stay at 100% throttle easily. And due to the nature of Arcade, its low fuel load is not an issue.
Additionally, the Ki-200 is very powerful in Arcade due to the extremely small profile combined with the high maneuverability in the mode. It is very hard to hit. So I think the BR is not as outrageous as people think. Unless you play Arcade, you won’t understand.


I played Air Arcade,it was the only mode i played back when i started playing in 2015.

But soon i realised how compressed and rage-inducing the battles become the higher you go,and that’s why i left Air Battles and beame a Ground Main

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Ki-200 is also equipped exclusively with the Army Ho-155 30mils which used to be very good but have been reduced to absolute useless garbage due to their ammo belts. The Me 163 is 8.0 and has drastically more effective armament. Ki-200 used to be a very good plane back when the guns worked and supersonics weren’t added yet.


Ki-200 vehicles capabilities??? XD it has unusable ammo belts nerfed guns and even before those nerfs it barely gets to the battlefield with its fuel. Not really worth playing now. Player statistic maybe remained relatively ok because nobody touched it since then.

Yeah, every plane with Ho-155 is basically useless now. Thing like Ki-84 Hei is literally 1 whole br above its flight performance because its Ho-155 used to be good like 2 years ago. And gaijin simply does not care.


Oh yeah, its got the bonkers rocket acceleration. Part of it is, admittedly, also that the MiG-21 (R-13-300) is undertiered as all hell.

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pretty sure the ki200 statistics are from when it was the top tier in japan to be fair, when the mig15bis and sabre f series were the absolute top dogs.

Ho-155 got a huge nerf (historical tho), but it’s still way better than MK108 imo. The main issue with the cannon is the fuse sensitivity of the HEF shell which is too dull and makes the shell go through the plane’s skin without detonating unless it hits something inside. I think the default belt is the most effective at this moment since the HEF-T shell still works quite well.

But yeah. I do think that the BR of both Ki-200 and Me 163 B-0 should be lowered to the same level with Me 163 B.

Thats arcade stats, the realistic stats are 9.7 for the 21 and 8.7 for the ki-200

Yeah, the entire thread is arcade. I feel like you and a lot of other people haven’t noticed?

Anyways, Ki-200 is actually balanced at the BR, if you ask me.

KInda my thought process too, arcade just works differently