Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

I do have this neato ad for the Jag tho

For now, yes as its less obvious that CAS are using their RWR to cue their targeting pod / ordnance, and that some features that RWR’s have to assist building and maintain situational awareness aren’t modeled.

But once a specific type of ordnance is added that targets them specifically, knowledge should propagate sufficiently to cause a change in behavior, due to the fact that those that don’t manage their emissions(Search, Track and Missile datalink) die in short order achieving little. As even the basic AGM-45A Shrike has a 16km range, which could start appearing as low as 8.7 on the A-4E.

Additionally at least pair could be carried by practically all US designs going forward so they are likely to become quite common, and considering that they can only target radar equipt vehicles will likely have a generally low SP cost as part of their as they reduce the already limited ordnance capacity of most airframes significantly.

It would be nice if we got the chaff pods at least to help with defense against spaa.

The only new weapons Jaguar GR.3 had over GR.1B was Enhanced Paveway II (i.e. Paveway with secondary GPS/INS mode), and 2000lb (Enhanced) Paveway III.
But the ingame one maybe wont have PWIII because it was carried on the centreline station which is the usualy position for TIALD. Meaning the aircraft couldn’t carry TIALD at the same time as PWIII, unless gaijin make it so pods can be put on different pylons.

Here’s Jaguar XX955 (A GR.1 I think) with TIALD on the inboard pylon

and here on a GR.3 XX738

In reality, there were only ten GR.1Bs upgraded over GR.1A, so the GR.3 was a more significant upgrade for the Jaguar fleet as a whole because it added TIALD capability to more aircraft.

ASRAAM and ALARM were mooted for the Jaguar 97 upgrade (final GR.3A spec with Helmet Mounted Sighting System), with fit-checks carried out. But integration wasn’t funded and neither saw service on GR.3A


It would be cool if we could get that and mark GPS cords for our bombs.

I did make a post about maybe the little tiny scout drones lazing stuff.

However a GR.3 would be min 10.7 and I think that’s just too much.

I’d bet JDAM support will include just marking a spot on the map before takeoff, but guess we’ll see how that functions in due time.

Image of Jaguar GR.1A carrying AIM-9L in the mid-to-late 1980s, probably before the over-wing launch rails were procured for the RAF (note the conical brake-chute fairing)

from this Russian book
Also, the Paveway usage would be in the same fashion as Harrier GR.3 with a ground-based FAC providing laser illumination.

Not really too much of an issue, the GR1A manual that pre-dates the over wing pylons covers the AIM-9L;




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No over wing pylons;


The AIM-9L has better range but it has less flare resistance. The platform is a good argument.

Less flare resistance??? From what i’ve seen, it’s way easier to flare off 9G than 9L.

I was referring to the magic 2, not the AIM-9G. The Magic 2 has a smaller field of view, and thus improved flare resistance over the AIM-9L.

So Jaguar GR.3A something better Jaguar GR.1A

I guess Jaguar GR.3A 11.0 minimum

The GR.3A got more powerful engines, and a helmet mounted sight.

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We have no fighter from 10.0 all the way to 11.0… Only option I see as for British aircraft is the Hawk, are there other alternatives?

Tornado F2 maybe, but I think ultimately the FGR2/FG1 just need to go down a little. It was also really stupid the FRS1 being SQD vehicle.

Then you’re in weong since the person you were answering to, was talking of Magic-I, and not the -2

(Btw, No Magic-II is worse than 9L currently in game)

Gaijin might consider another aircraft 10.0-10.3 from south african air force

I guess Tornado F.2A could be 11.3 same Tornado F3 but better F-4K Phantom FG.1 & F-4M Phantom FGR.2 10%

Depends on loadout, 2x Aim-9Gs, 4x Skyflash DF. I could see the the F2 being a little lower, like 10.7/11 especially post-decompression.

Agreed, I have no idea why they made the FRS.1 a squadron vehicle instead of something like the Indian FRS.51. Tornado F.2 maybe, but no CM is rough. The only F.2 that I think might be added is the TIARA as an event or something.