Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

I don’t know. I’ve been uber disappointed with 9Ls and everytime one gets shot at me I pop 1 flare and its defeated. Magics scare me. I have the E Jag and it just shreds people with them. I watch the Magic go straight through flares and not care.

IR missiles are easy to defeat, hard to master.
Nearly all of my IR missile kills in Jag [and others] against flare-equipped targets are within their no-flare range. The rest of the kills is cause they didn’t see me launch outside their no-flare range.
Magic no-flare range is ~1.7km, Aim-9L is ~2.2.
All afterburning targets.
Python 3 is 2.4km [most recently re-tested].
Aim-9G is ~2km.


Dude, you can’t trick Tornado IDS owners no matter how hard you try.
You’ve yet to prove I was wrong about Tornado IDS being 11.0. You even proved it is.

I would like to maybe see at least on the Dev server a test with them and see how everything goes. Then again its never a good comparison to the live server.

The only other option would be to add the GR.3A but that would also put in in a weird position because of too high BR. I don’t think it has enough performance to exist higher than 10.3. I think really the only think was the J97 avionics package that was changed.

Why is the dev server not a good comparison? We can see when the code is different between the dev server and live server through datamines. You won’t get anything close to a fair comparison from @AlvisWisla , and I also wouldn’t take note of anything they say with regards to flare resistance of IR missiles.

Because the way people play in the Dev server is different from the live server.

If you’re testing the missiles you should be doing it in a sterile environment against consistent targets. Not just queuing against players (or using the test drive) and seeing how they “feel”, which I’m guessing is how @AlvisWisla comes to all their faulty conclusions about vehicles.

I mean I know what the missile does and what its going to do but since Gajibbles bases BR off of player stats and or ground attack capabilities thats more what needs to be tested. It may become a god tier plane but then again it may not change at all.

Having jets carried by missiles is hard.
Whether it’s A-6E, A-5C, others, and even Jag GR1A & Jag A are carried by their missiles a bit.
We see what A-5C is without missiles, it’s 9.0.
Jag without missiles would probably be 9.7 similar to Q-5L if it kept GBUs.

It’s hard. You also should test in a controlled environment when able.

Gaijin does not base BRs based on “player stats” nor “ground capabilities” alone.
They base it on total vehicle capabilities.
If they did BRs based on player skill in the vehicle, Leopard A1A1 L./44 would be 9.7.


Nice calling everyone wrong again after parroting their advice.

But they also just ignore stuff too. I mean when the GR.1 harrier came out it was brutal but forever time passed and SRAAMS because not that potent of a missile and that jet has been easy food forever. Finally like a few months ago they brought it to 9.7 finally.

The GR.1 Jag I have never played because having no flares is sadness and its the same jet essentially as the 1A. However it was suppose to receive its chaff rails but it kept breaking the server and I guess they just got lazy and dropped them.

The problem is there almost needs to be sub BRs like 9.5 or such. Or maybe just BR limits to how far a jet can be uptiered - that would fix most issues. And maybe like my suggestion earlier is missile limitations. If my GR.1A gets put at 11.3 I should be able to use 9Ls.

GR1 was only good cause people didn’t know how to keep their distance.
SRAAMs never changed, but it went from 9.3 to 10.0 because players kept getting close.
I’d look forward to future Jags if you like the Jag airframe.
I personally dislike it, but I accept its abilities as I did spade them for GRB purposes.

I just don’t know what else they could do.

The M Jag would be pretty interesting for France but the whole anti ship missile thing kinda is pointless and I dont see them doing an event one being they did the E already.

The GR.3A really just is the J97 avionics package, I don’t think it offered much more in any capabilities other than ground armament.

I mean adding the GR.3A would really just cloud the tree up unless they foldered it.

Adding one for India would go straight back into the British tree. (however it would have radar but i dont see the point in that)

The most they could add right now would just be drop tanks and the chaff pods which are missing.

And well they will also never add the ASRAAM and it has been tested on the Jag.

I like flying it because its fun in ARB and its fun in GRB. Its a well rounded jet.

I personally wouldn’t overlook the Martel & Sea Eagle as potential future additions both of which would extend their A2G capabilities somewhat, and provide options should their BR be pushed higher, or to help deal with compression due to the propagation of better SPAA, and thus increased threat range.

Ship missiles are kinda useless right now other than a novelty (i literally have never used them on the tornado) - unless they added in more ship ai in maps.

The anti radiation missiles would be useful for SPAA but that begs the question of the whole CAS and GRB argument. If now SPAA has no chance whats the point of playing GRB anymore.

If they did get the BR pushed up as if they added in the 3A yeah I suppose.

Even relatively modem Anti- Radiation missiles (basically everything older than the AGM-88E &-F, which have a MMW seeker for terminal guidance) aren’t going to be able to deal with an aware SPAA that shuts down their radar and moves a short distance, sure it might alter the balance somewhat and lowers the skill floor significantly but just like the AIM-54 players can (and will) adapt and make them near useless if they are noticed in flight.

Many of the early systems also have very distinct smoke trails or Flight profiles so are easily identified when launched.

There’s a high probability that dev might consider add Jaguar GR.3A with AIM-9L and place before Harrier GR.7

I could see it foldered, especially since Gaijin’s new plans are to start foldering more things.
Wouldn’t be surprised if F-14A & B are foldered in the future for example.

I dont think Ive ever seen an SPAA player shut down their radar but this may change that.

That’s less than 10% of SPAA players at top tier, and I’m being extremely generous.

And targeting pod and Air-to-Ground armament on Jagaur GR.3A look like Jaguar GR.1A or better ?

Same pod