Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

They have their plus and minus - fire and forget is range limited and GBUs you can fly high but if you get higher as I said you run into game issues and also the time it takes for bombs to fall.

I don’t see how any of that matters if you’re giving it the equivalent of 2 free kills as anything at that BR with less than 200 countermeasures would struggle to evade a bunch of magic 2 slinging supersonic aircraft.

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I don’t have issues flying it in GRB tbh, radar SPAAs are easy to dodge now (you just need situational awareness), and if you’re using your guided bombs correctly you shouldn’t be in range for IR SPAAs too. If you die to a fighter, well, they are just doing their job.

My main problem is that I end up going to high and tanks just start sliding around and doing weird shit. And I’ve been having to manual guide in bombs just due to the sheer dead tanks and also the laser not holding lock.

SPAA’s arent bad but the main issue is the TY-90 on the Z19s. Like I have never been able to dodge one of them or flare them off holy hell.

Flaring IRCCM missiles is just a waste, if you can’t dodge them by manouvering you’re dead, which for the TY-90 is basically impossible to, all you can do is try to run away because it explodes as soon as it’s out of fuel.

I’ve been having those targeting issues, specially in heli PVE, where convoys just keeps lagging and I end up wasting 4 or more hellfires to destroy 1 AI.

I don’t think Ive been able to escape them once.

Flaring them isn’t a waste, you just need to know how. Pre-flaring is also important.

Pre flaring work, but I haven’t been able to flare one stinger or whatever after launch, no matter what I did…
Any tips?

Put the flare between your aircraft and the seeker of the missile with 0 throttle, continuously flare like this.

MiG-29 can bank left or right with back towards IR missiles while flaring, the flares eject off the shoulders of the aircraft near center of mass and therefore remain in the seeker FOV long enough that the aircraft can escape its’ track easier.

Knowing the placement of your flares, adjust how you angle yourself to defend against IR missiles and flare accordingly.

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Why are you always wrong?

Just completely awful advice. Yes, flare continuously leaving a trail of breadcrumbs to your plane. Make sure to keep the flare between you and the missile, so that when it goes for the flare it meets you on the other side. Don’t forget to 0% throttle instead of 100%, so that you bleed even more speed than necessary for minimal temperature reduction.

Vintage MiG_23M posting.

Thanks for proving me correct.

Yes, 11.0, as I said as the singular exception.
The context was obviously as a rule.
I even added the singular exception to the rule because it appears people had difficulties, and I forgot to add it yesterday.

Prove to all of us the Tornado IDS is not 11.0.
Or are we all wrong, including Gaijin?

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Keep in mind the A5C is 10.0 and its supersonic with flares and gets two brutal missiles.

And the superior Jaguar A is 10.3 with the same missiles and more countermeasures.
GR1A also has meta 9Gs at 10.3 while being a superior airframe as well.
Your point?

9Gs are not as good as R550…

The suggestion that the Jaguar has a better airframe/flight model than the A-5C is a classic RazerVon moment.

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Well, I’m glad you learned today that the jet I’ve been flying since its release is 11.0.
Congrats on discovering its BR.

Not sure why you keep claiming that I and all of War Thunder is wrong for saying the Tornado IDS is 11.0.

9G has superior flare resistance and lead capabilities, but worse G-load. That’s about it.
A-5C cannot dogfight, this is a well known fact among players, especially those that faced it or played it. It, much like Harrier & others, is carried by the missiles it’s equipped with.

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So if the other Jag can get along fine with Magics and Gajibbles doesnt send it into the shadow realm - why not give the British Jag 9Ls?

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Cause 9Ls are VASTLY superior to Magic 1s.
Superior range, all-aspect, higher flare resistance all on a maneuverable platform.
9Gs are more than enough at 10.3, they’re the best rear-aspect Aim-9 for a reason [unless 9Hs get fixed].